Time: 2024-04-29 13:25:55
Filename: 9d7bf826f06345d616cdd685a49e338f3c1e776f587944f72a7e4582cda60605.png
SHA256: 9d7bf826f06345d616cdd685a49e338f3c1e776f587944f72a7e4582cda60605
made a new pair of pants
this time i didnt fuck up any parts
i even reinforced the stitches
didnt even need an elastic, i just adjusted the hip width and the fabric's elasticity is enough to keep it secure
ill just put an internal string to be extra safe
and this time around i kept a time log of what i was doing to know why the fuck does making simple pants take so fucking long
turns out i waste too much time fumbling with the machine
also turns out its the finishing touches that take the longest time
just putting the pieces in the shape of pants only takes 1.5h
but making the hems took me 2.5h bc i gotta make sure it fit me perfectly so i gotta measure it to my ankle and fold all parts so they are evenly sized or it looks goofy
also had to cut excess at the hip to improve the fitting to me bc i always cut too much cloth
its a whole delicate process and requires a lot of finesse and patience
at least it only took 5h this time
cutting the fabric always takes a whole hour
>>198730gamer strat to avoid having to pause your matches
better than the sock tbh