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Indonesian artfag - Asks a strange art question (like 'What are the criteria of 6 digit traffic art/anime quality. And how does the math work.'), gets mad when they inevitably get trollled, then returns a few days later asking another question. Usually posts on general or art boards.

Spammer (No file) - 2025-01-02 08:16:23

It looks perfectly fine to me but I only draw slightly better than the 6 digit spammer.  [details]
Time: 2025-01-02 08:16:23

It looks perfectly fine to me but I only draw slightly better than the 6 digit spammer.  [details]
Time: 2024-06-03 11:39:03

>>202731 <small>(OP)</small>
Did you succeed in making 6 digit and getting that girl from your class lust for you because you installed a music streaming app?  [details]
Time: 2024-05-04 09:44:06

Figure it out youself Mr 6 digits never ever :^)  [details]
Time: 2024-02-19 12:41:49

i don't give a shit
this is my only advice
take it or get stuck in 6 digits never ever  [details]
Time: 2023-10-01 10:01:27
Filename: erh.gif
MD5: tbvo3CIr5bZOMCu6lE0iPg==
What are the criteria of 6 digit traffic art/anime quality. And how does the math work.
And how does the social media measures it.  [details]
Time: 2023-10-01 03:46:02
Filename: erh.gif
MD5: tbvo3CIr5bZOMCu6lE0iPg==
What are the criteria of 6 digit traffic art/anime quality. And how does the math work.
And how does the social media measures it.

>The techniques are cleared

>So it s about the choices
>The confidence
>i m tired
>you wanna request?  [details]
Time: 2023-09-29 14:18:50
Filename: erh.gif
MD5: tbvo3CIr5bZOMCu6lE0iPg==
How do i correctly figure position of volume or lines in walk cycles or any motion and such
Like the exact position of shoulders in all the frames; the exact distance/orientation/rotation of body durinf runs/gait/dances
From one frame to next
Between keyframes or frames

Such and such

Using math. Physics
Or whatever  [details]
Time: 2023-09-28 05:07:46
Filename: images (56).jpeg
MD5: mvGuo/4f4EhB20hderErSg==
>2 question
Looking for some sort of understanding how motion works in cyclesgaitsrunsdances
Since the body moves in counterposes than tandems like steps and skips and pops and shuffles than jumps or anything with only one single appendage

Basically a micro calculation, or predictions, inferrence on where does the limb positions, rotates, orients, based on the motion To be, that is not yet completed but only in keyframes, or projected,
Or the scenes, like positions of the floor, and the bendness of the leg deciding the pelvis location

Such and such

In the timeframe

>another one

600k method to plan your image so it is appealing enough. Enough. Like deciding every nooks and cranny based on the supposed target audience or market rates, analysis
>i guess i have never worded it this way
>in reverse  [details]
Time: 2023-09-28 04:58:17
Filename: 305ba38d67d51231288fe417bcf1f03a.gif
SHA256: dac23c86590453163ccbab762411a13b71005eeb9241a0777f26e09ac210be98
>2 question
Looking for some sort of understanding how motion works in cyclesgaitsrunsdances
Since the body moves in counterposes than tandems like steps and skips and pops and shuffles than jumps or anything with only one single appendage

Basically a micro calculation, or predictions, inferrence on where does the limb positions, rotates, orients, based on the motion To be, that is not yet completed but only in keyframes, or projected,
Or the scenes, like positions of the floor, and the bendness of the leg deciding the pelvis location

Such and such

In the timeframe

>another one
600k method to plan your image so it is appealing enough. Enough. Like deciding every nooks and cranny based on the supposed target audience or market rates, analysis
>i guess i have never worded it this way
>in reverse  [details]
Time: 2023-09-12 03:45:17
Filename: 20230830_101853.mp4
MD5: 5CZkxstnWgCRiXyV/9SBUw==
>practicing losers will be ignored
Need 6 digit art plan aesthethics to regular on social media
Not niches or genre. Visual presentation, tehcniques or tutorials. Guideline or prompts
>5 digit or less will be ignored  [details]
Time: 2023-09-08 05:47:53
Filename: 16941520146431452288701460526985.jpg
SHA256: f93e572b9e6d3d581d1cc430a2548ac083280a33c7dfca19750955bf56551ea5
Looking to understand whatever it is that makes 6 digit aesthethics, other than its channel of 80% luck, which is not fair either, so
Whatever it is if explained in words and bullets points, the critical points that define aesthethics to that number of traffic
Ok maybe including markettings and luck
Put in mathemathical algorythm or such?  [details]
Time: 2023-08-21 08:23:41
Filename: 8c1hbjsx.png
SHA256: ea5212b11965ce1280a336bc32973b204d51b107163c6c8789d2a543d416be93
>this is it!
>the caado!
If i want to gain 6 digit annual traffic/sales/klout with illustrator. anime and such... theorethically, how do i do the qualtiy, in such i can reach that number in the least amount of piece/quota?

basically, the "best" quality. so that is, aside from trends. like the, how-to-step-by-step
or maybe just the elements and how do you maximize it against the crowd/target audience.

also, please use wrods, or links. not some screencaps. or u can use mspaint explanations.

tx  [details]
Time: 2023-08-06 09:24:44
Filename: 16913138239399174898462755930463.jpg
SHA256: a01567045ccff596d9bc7f7070d77f1e4ab00ad9c1e09826efb90ad1316a5d0d
Hello, how do one knowingly produce succesful art that ll gain 6 digits traffic

How does things add ups.
Whats the algorythm/math

Tz  [details]
Time: 2023-08-02 05:33:40
Filename: 1690350947284.png
MD5: m9Hj06wf1p8SHS07O1oo3g==
how do i render or paint translucent things, glass, marbles, ie,

like its refractions, reflections, caustics,

especially occuring each other of similar matters, creating infinite effects of lights

...also its for cartoon but somehow i dunno how to, decide enough.

but mostly has to be realistic, like takehiko inoue realistic.  [details]
Time: 2023-08-02 04:01:12
Filename: sss.jpg
MD5: tQxYwZXrovx4W5xfEfwVWA==
how do i render or paint translucent things, glass, marbles, ie,

like its refractions, reflections, caustics,

especially occuring each other of similar matters, creating infinite effects of lights

...also its for cartoon but somehow i dunno how to, decide enough.

but mostly has to be realistic, like takehiko inoue realistic.
thankyou looking forward to answers  [details]
Time: 2023-08-02 03:39:53
Filename: sss.jpg
MD5: tQxYwZXrovx4W5xfEfwVWA==
Hello greetings, Looking for some knowledge on making sure your content in instawebs,or wherever, regularly reaches soem 5-6 digits traffic, which then supposedly translate to sales.
obviously, quality, and practice, are involved, but what exactly?

like knowing the exact bar, and original, and not being (too) derivative to be completely obsolete. It seems rather obvious, but it seems need to be reaffirmed, just because, i dont really know, nor is it actually there? idk  [details]
Time: 2023-07-23 11:52:17
Filename: 16901131184174822465955347930998.jpg
MD5: hrMUrWvoRhjb9/i7k0aP6w==
Where exist aesthethic tutorials to paint glass(refractions reflections caustics so on) in various scene such as multiples of them creating complex lightings

Basically a computation model to predict realism baded on subject matters

Or just drafting tutorial

Because glassy things are hard
Especially multiples of em  [details]
Time: 2023-07-23 11:30:22
Filename: 16901117964555767681390098993696.jpg
MD5: CqZODhfkDSELsI9gnZ+w2g==
Where exist aesthethic tutorials to paint glass(refractions reflections caustics so on) in various scene such as multiples of them creating complex lightings

Basically a computation model to predict realism baded on subject matters  [details]
Time: 2023-04-27 13:36:50
Filename: 1682602558089-tegaki.png
SHA256: 95d2be8901d026f788e120cf11b347b706806a9d6b71ee7a01d769a3bd86fce7
How much programming skills do i need to be software engineer. With the so called 6 digit income i guess.  [details]
Time: 2022-09-10 00:06:21
Filename: 20220908_101805.jpg
SHA256: 9f43db103bee7abbd682b716a17e566e94d9c50f77f7c75502ce1680d5d2ac67
>>174 you dont even know what s 6 digit space marine ya dum cunt not even hypothethically or theorethically  [details]
Time: 2022-09-09 23:22:06

suck my nuts
start drawing space marines and cool sentai rangers that are worth 6 digits you fucking retard  [details]
Time: 2022-09-09 16:42:21

6 digit, loser.
