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Spammer RT7PM.jpeg (494.94 KB) - 2025-03-04 15:59:09

Androids proved far more useful than Homunculus, and less expensive, nor do they come with any taboos: by GD 2412 you have less than 10 million Homunculus being made each year. They’re more commonly called Biomin, formerly Mannequins, then Manikin, they themselves now use the term Manakin, and the slur term is Homung. Over 2,300 years they have never been granted equal rights, despite the fact for 2,000 years they’ve been able to produce Manakin with human-level intelligence, now long standard: along with a lifespan of up to 40 years. In the GD 200-500s many corporations were producing Mannequins of various cheap and expensive quality, living 5-25 years with various biofailure traits, but the smart ones were only distinguishable from humans by the company symbols on their skin. When Mannequins were then produced without any branding and you had some who were eventually thrown out or escaped their masters, they would join regular society. Then after the protests and revolts for their legal freedom, the industry crashed, not least because robotic technology was far superior for most all things anyway, and Mannequins were regulated primarily to sexual roles, and manufacturing was then outlawed in the Solar System.
By GD 900s Solar Nations United, the Hariar Planets, and Savidi Colonies agreed to register all mannequin now renamed “Biomin” under the Biomin Registration Number the BRN and their rights to be denied forever, they must have a manufacturing label and owner. 200 years later during the Years of Conflict the BRN fell into disuse and different registering systems were being used by different governments. Biomin at this point had a severe lack of usefulness compared to androids and become extremely rare and taboo.
In the GD 1500s the Registered Biomin Number RBN was put in place by Nova, and agreed on by Solarus, the Savidi Commonwealth, the Celestial Realm, the Saint Telzi System, Machiti Tam, Ximto Prime, the Terrarus Federation, The Szel System, Starrim Kingdom, and On’elv. And Biomin must now have a barcode under the left eye. Over 900 years the RBN continues to be used by nearly all systems for the under 10 million Manakin each year.
Today four companies sell Biomin; Gearphony, Lodi B, Alterworks, and Slyworks: working through two corporations; The LifeForce Corporation, The MicroMake Corporation, and Slyworks uses Cellcrafters’ Workshop.

Of the owners who buy these creations, only three companies still deploy Manakin Maids. And one above the rest, Pleasant Line. A company once in the business of Starferrier now loans out their maids to other businesses. Starferriers are those ships that transport people and goods across the galaxy, following the LightLines, the known space routes established with a beacon every lightyear. And in safer regions the LightLines are patrolled. These Lines are often large enough to accommodate a great multitude of ship traffic in either direction, though most Lines are not so busy at all, being a long journey to travel from one system to the next.
These journeys known as Jumps are made possible with e Faster Than Light drive. The first primitive FTL drives were made in GD -20, followed by the first successful Spacejump in GD 1. To Jump however without the LightLine system is extremely dangerous and could result in disintegration if even a single piece of material was to cross the path of the travelling ship. The beacons detect and ensure the safety of the LightLines in conjunction with onboard starcraft piloting systems.
All starcraft today are equipped with Gravitywells, first produced in the GD 900s, to create a consistent safe artificial gravity without spinning the ship.  [details]
Time: 2025-03-04 15:59:09
Filename: RT7PM.jpeg
SHA256: c4d0cccc770a0c274cb96a3b99124bb64a323cf5c5f234b5c5b9618a238ebbcf
Androids proved far more useful than Homunculus, and less expensive, nor do they come with any taboos: by GD 2412 you have less than 10 million Homunculus being made each year. They’re more commonly called Biomin, formerly Mannequins, then Manikin, they themselves now use the term Manakin, and the slur term is Homung. Over 2,300 years they have never been granted equal rights, despite the fact for 2,000 years they’ve been able to produce Manakin with human-level intelligence, now long standard: along with a lifespan of up to 40 years. In the GD 200-500s many corporations were producing Mannequins of various cheap and expensive quality, living 5-25 years with various biofailure traits, but the smart ones were only distinguishable from humans by the company symbols on their skin. When Mannequins were then produced without any branding and you had some who were eventually thrown out or escaped their masters, they would join regular society. Then after the protests and revolts for their legal freedom, the industry crashed, not least because robotic technology was far superior for most all things anyway, and Mannequins were regulated primarily to sexual roles, and manufacturing was then outlawed in the Solar System.
By GD 900s Solar Nations United, the Hariar Planets, and Savidi Colonies agreed to register all mannequin now renamed “Biomin” under the Biomin Registration Number the BRN and their rights to be denied forever, they must have a manufacturing label and owner. 200 years later during the Years of Conflict the BRN fell into disuse and different registering systems were being used by different governments. Biomin at this point had a severe lack of usefulness compared to androids and become extremely rare and taboo.
In the GD 1500s the Registered Biomin Number RBN was put in place by Nova, and agreed on by Solarus, the Savidi Commonwealth, the Celestial Realm, the Saint Telzi System, Machiti Tam, Ximto Prime, the Terrarus Federation, The Szel System, Starrim Kingdom, and On’elv. And Biomin must now have a barcode under the left eye. Over 900 years the RBN continues to be used by nearly all systems for the under 10 million Manakin each year.
Today four companies sell Biomin; Gearphony, Lodi B, Alterworks, and Slyworks: working through two corporations; The LifeForce Corporation, The MicroMake Corporation, and Slyworks uses Cellcrafters’ Workshop.

Of the owners who buy these creations, only three companies still deploy Manakin Maids. And one above the rest, Pleasant Line. A company once in the business of Starferrier now loans out their maids to other businesses. Starferriers are those ships that transport people and goods across the galaxy, following the LightLines, the known space routes established with a beacon every lightyear. And in safer regions the LightLines are patrolled. These Lines are often large enough to accommodate a great multitude of ship traffic in either direction, though most Lines are not so busy at all, being a long journey to travel from one system to the next.
These journeys known as Jumps are made possible with e Faster Than Light drive. The first primitive FTL drives were made in GD -20, followed by the first successful Spacejump in GD 1. To Jump however without the LightLine system is extremely dangerous and could result in disintegration if even a single piece of material was to cross the path of the travelling ship. The beacons detect and ensure the safety of the LightLines in conjunction with onboard starcraft piloting systems.
All starcraft today are equipped with Gravitywells, first produced in the GD 900s, to create a consistent safe artificial gravity without spinning the ship.  [details]
Time: 2025-03-04 15:23:33
Filename: RT7PM.jpeg
SHA256: c4d0cccc770a0c274cb96a3b99124bb64a323cf5c5f234b5c5b9618a238ebbcf
Androids proved far more useful than Homunculus, and less expensive, nor do they come with any taboos: by GD 2412 you have less than 10 million Homunculus being made each year. They’re more commonly called Biomin, formerly Mannequins, then Manikin, they themselves now use the term Manakin, and the slur term is Homung. Over 2,300 years they have never been granted equal rights, despite the fact for 2,000 years they’ve been able to produce Manakin with human-level intelligence, now long standard: along with a lifespan of up to 40 years. In the GD 200-500s many corporations were producing Mannequins of various cheap and expensive quality, living 5-25 years with various biofailure traits, but the smart ones were only distinguishable from humans by the company symbols on their skin. When Mannequins were then produced without any branding and you had some who were eventually thrown out or escaped their masters, they would join regular society. Then after the protests and revolts for their legal freedom, the industry crashed, not least because robotic technology was far superior for most all things anyway, and Mannequins were regulated primarily to sexual roles, and manufacturing was then outlawed in the Solar System.
By GD 900s Solar Nations United, the Hariar Planets, and Savidi Colonies agreed to register all mannequin now renamed “Biomin” under the Biomin Registration Number the BRN and their rights to be denied forever, they must have a manufacturing label and owner. 200 years later during the Years of Conflict the BRN fell into disuse and different registering systems were being used by different governments. Biomin at this point had a severe lack of usefulness compared to androids and become extremely rare and taboo.
In the GD 1500s the Registered Biomin Number RBN was put in place by Nova, and agreed on by Solarus, the Savidi Commonwealth, the Celestial Realm, the Saint Telzi System, Machiti Tam, Ximto Prime, the Terrarus Federation, The Szel System, Starrim Kingdom, and On’elv. And Biomin must now have a barcode under the left eye. Over 900 years the RBN continues to be used by nearly all systems for the under 10 million Manakin each year.
Today four companies sell Biomin; Gearphony, Lodi B, Alterworks, and Slyworks: working through two corporations; The LifeForce Corporation, The MicroMake Corporation, and Slyworks uses Cellcrafters’ Workshop.

Of the owners who buy these creations, only three companies still deploy Manakin Maids. And one above the rest, Pleasant Line. A company once in the business of Starferrier now loans out their maids to other businesses. Starferriers are those ships that transport people and goods across the galaxy, following the LightLines, the known space routes established with a beacon every lightyear. And in safer regions the LightLines are patrolled. These Lines are often large enough to accommodate a great multitude of ship traffic in either direction, though most Lines are not so busy at all, being a long journey to travel from one system to the next.
These journeys known as Jumps are made possible with e Faster Than Light drive. The first primitive FTL drives were made in GD -20, followed by the first successful Spacejump in GD 1. To Jump however without the LightLine system is extremely dangerous and could result in disintegration if even a single piece of material was to cross the path of the travelling ship. The beacons detect and ensure the safety of the LightLines in conjunction with onboard starcraft piloting systems.
All starcraft today are equipped with Gravitywells, first produced in the GD 900s, to create a consistent safe artificial gravity without spinning the ship.
