Time: 2024-05-09 16:44:12
Filename: fuck-off.png
SHA256: 8a37d4db46bb8034a63eff461c5abaac0f1c29bf4c175954acda2822ffdc0264
the effects of stims on the mind really are crazy huh
i drank choccy coffee and now i feel like the voices in my head are 1000x more talkative than usual
we are just done constructing an ontological comparison between the laws of man and the laws of god
including a part about the 10 commandments and how they are clearly man-made bullshit, just like every other man-made law
bc the laws of god are unbreakable, no matter how hard you try to disobey them
conservation of energy, 2nd law of thermodynamic, the 4 fundamental forces
you cannot go against them no matter how hard you want to
just look at how well the quest for the perpetual motion machine is going
meanwhile, under the laws of man you are forbidden from doing lots of things, unless you really wanna do them, in which case you can
like fucking children
yea thats super illegal and all, but look at epstein & friends for example
they really wanted to do that, so they did
and thats why the 10 commandments arent truly laws of god
<thou shall not murder
uh-huh, sure
unless you really want to, in which case there are several ways to do it and not much to stop you
the difference between laws of man and laws of god is this:
with the laws of man, tis but the power of man that prevents you from doing what you arent supposed to
and theres usually very little in the way of prevention, the best they can do is punish you after the fact to discourage you from doing it in the first place
but like i said, thats not gonna stop anyone who really really wants to break them
and ofc theres the fact that laws are selectively applied, so a crime wont really be a crime if youre pals with the govt
with the laws of god, its the absolute power of god stopping you
so you cannot break them. period.
there is no 'butt' or 'boob' or comma or 'please', you just cant. full stop.
and god doesnt play favorites, there is no free pass to breaking the laws that define reality if youre chums with him
thats why wizards dont exist btw
and that thus proves that all that bullshit about sins and hell whatnot are actually laws of man masquerading as laws of god
you arent supposed to live a life of sin, but you can if you really want to
the only thing thats gonna happen is youre gonna be punished afterwards, as a deterrent to your decision making
but you can avoid punishment if you join the church and regret your wrongdoings
exact same structure as the laws of man
if those were laws of god you wouldnt be able to sin. period. full stop.
so yea
no wonder the enlightenment in europe only happened after the most common drug in use stopped being ethanol (depr) and became caffeine (stim)
wait, the original discussion in my head also included a mention of 'is' statements vs 'ought' statements as parallels between laws of god and man
whatever, that was more an analogy with humes guillotine than a central point of the subject
we were just pointing out that the laws of god are composed of 'is' statements while the laws of man are composed of 'ought' statements
this vid explains humes guillotine if you never heard of it before: hEUO6pjwFOo
btw the fact that getting hopped up on coffee made me start referring to my inner monologue as 'we' is prolly a sign i shouldnt use drugs [details]
Time: 2024-05-09 16:41:33
Filename: fuck-off.png
SHA256: 8a37d4db46bb8034a63eff461c5abaac0f1c29bf4c175954acda2822ffdc0264
the effects of stims on the mind really are crazy huh
i drank choccy coffee and now i feel like the voices in my head are 1000x more talkative than usual
we are just done constructing an ontological comparison between the laws of man and the laws of god
including a part about the 10 commandments and how they are clearly man-made bullshit, just like every other man-made law
bc the laws of god are unbreakable, no matter how hard you try to disobey them
conservation of energy, 2nd law of thermodynamic, the 4 fundamental forces
you cannot go against them no matter how hard you want to
just look at how well the quest for the perpetual motion machine is going
meanwhile, under the laws of man you are forbidden from doing lots of things, unless you really wanna do them, in which case you can
like fucking children
yea thats super illegal and all, but look at epstein & friends for example
they really wanted to do that, so they did
and thats why the 10 commandments arent truly laws of god
<thou shall not murder
uh-huh, sure
unless you really want to, in which case there are several ways to do it and not much to stop you
the difference between laws of man and laws of god is this:
with the laws of man, tis but the power of man that prevents you from doing what you arent supposed to
and theres usually very little in the way of prevention, the best they can do is punish you after the fact to discourage you from doing it in the first place
but like i said, thats not gonna stop anyone who really really wants to break them
and ofc theres the fact that laws are selectively applied, so a crime wont really be a crime if youre pals with the govt
with the laws of god, its the absolute power of god stopping you
so you cannot break them. period.
there is no 'butt' or 'boob' or comma or 'please', you just cant. full stop.
and god doesnt play favorites, there is no free pass to breaking the laws that define reality if youre chums with him
thats why wizards dont exist btw
and that thus proves that all that bullshit about sins and hell whatnot are actually laws of man masquerading as laws of god
you arent supposed to live a life of sin, but you can if you really want to
the only thing thats gonna happen is youre gonna be punished afterwards, as a deterrent to your decision making
but you can avoid punishment if you join the church and regret your wrongdoings
exact same structure as the laws of man
if those were laws of god you wouldnt be able to sin. period. full stop.
so yea
no wonder the enlightenment in europe only happened after the most common drug in use stopped being ethanol (depr) and became caffeine (stim)
wait, the original discussion in my head also included a mention of 'is' statements vs 'ought' statements as parallels between laws of god and man
whatever, that was more an analogy with humes guillotine than a central point of the subject
we were just pointing out that the laws of god are composed of 'is' statements while the laws of man are composed of 'ought' statements
this vid explains humes guillotine if you never heard of it before: hEUO6pjwFOo
btw the fact that getting hopped up on coffee made me start referring to my inner monologue as 'we' is prolly a sign i shouldnt use drugs