XJ-9K - Global Spam Detection Robot 9000

This site records spam threads automatically scraped from a number of imageboards.

Each entry is a detection, containing a list of matching threads. Not all threads in each detection necessarily matched the same criteria (If A and B have the same filename, and B and C have the same hash, it will group them all together), so check each thread for details. Attached images have been removed for obvious reasons. Links are disabled and most should not be visited by anyone ever.

Due to the detection methods, some non-spam threads such as reposts will be falsely detected as spam, many of these are greyed out. Tagging is semi-automated and will improve as more examples are found.

The next major goal is to have an API with confidence ratings, although until then there is an RSS feed to help give early warning for a wave of spam (ignores Repost and NotSpam tags).


Spammer HJ (2).jpg (372.21 KB) - 2024-07-27 01:32:19 [Info]


https://nichan.net/b/res/50718.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-27 01:32:19
Filename: HJ (2).jpg
MD5: wDKkgAA6fcQT2iFHAIoUbg==

https://uboachan.net/ot/res/26725.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-27 01:28:15
Filename: HJ (1).jpg
MD5: ySdavQoJ/P1A6fkMKeBdsQ==

https://nichan.net/b/res/50717.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-25 07:22:33
Filename: DF (2).jpg
MD5: hk3Sx+K8ds4uw5jMozPKlA==

https://uboachan.net/ot/res/26723.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-25 07:15:21
Filename: DF (1).jpg
MD5: eUxG2/Yel6zMl1LOW1QXMA==

https://nichan.net/b/res/50716.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-23 14:48:56
Filename: GH (2).jpg
MD5: pCOKjhXXOKGu1DKGYq7w5w==

https://uboachan.net/ot/res/26717.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-23 14:43:29
Filename: GH (1).jpg
MD5: rppWzbNRPJQ//MEz9GGwoQ==

https://nichan.net/b/res/50712.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-22 01:59:14
Filename: F (2).jpg
MD5: eVhL1J7Cn7en4jMSh6raJg==

https://uboachan.net/ot/res/26712.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-22 01:56:00
Filename: F (1).jpg
MD5: 9pBMtxonq/VoFDYiRUdUWw==

428 omitted, see full list here

Spammer _4fe970ac-828f-474a-bacd-edd4642527a3.jpg (253.64 KB) - 2024-07-24 22:25:04 [Info]

God loves me and you. My sin was not covered but cleansed gone, red but made white as snow. Thrown into the ocean and God does not remember them. No longer do I, that's why I have …

https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/209373.html#209553  [details]
Time: 2024-07-24 22:25:04
Filename: _4fe970ac-828f-474a-bacd-edd4642527a3.jpg
SHA256: 4992c3fe990719be1a75c198f5e43b2345cb5d459394b8acc1d9ce86ace825f5
God loves me and you. My sin was not covered but cleansed gone, red but made white as snow. Thrown into the ocean and God does not remember them. No longer do I, that's why I have no guilt for what I did before salvation. I worshipped false Gods I made as a joke but also as comfort, I've seen every type of porn from child porn to real rape, I called people worthless and wanted them to be punished, and I was beyond normally sexually deviant. When all the weight is lifted what else can be done but praise Jesus Christ who has brought me up and out of hatred and depression and anger and crushed my lust to pieces. Now don't pick them up again. In my past life, it's like a vail now, I can hardly even remember my life before knowing Jesus is real. The entire universe changes, all reality changes drastically knowing that this is true. You'll see. And I've already explained it is not useless. And in fact my posts are the only in reality, you are truly beside yourself if you think anything else posted here is in reality. And I talk in the way that I talk, that is all. If it is hard to understand than I have told you there are free audiobibles online, so go look into the truth. Just look at testimony, look at history look at everything and see where it points to, well you think you know, you ain't no nothing yet. The wisdom of God is everything and we don't earn it, do I look so smart? I really really marvel and wonder about such people, as I am not so great, but I know my Redeemer lives just as many millions before me.

If you are upset that God chooses who He saves, then good luck to you. Who are you, dust that you are, to contend against the Almighty? And who does He choose to save? Those who believe in the Gospel of our Lord Christ, who come to Him for mercy and repentance, forgiveness and truth, to know His holiness and righteousness because in the end His will will be done and not any numerous nation or company which is today and tomorrow fadeth away. You want man's ways? Have them, they are vain, God's ways are not our ways, they are higher than the heavens from the earth. Why do the heathen rage? and the pagans imagine vain things against God's people? They want it all for themselves without God. Be mad, be angry, but the SPIRIT OF GOD bloweth where it listeth, and you cannot discern it. If the Spirit of God resides in one you hate or despise then you hurt yourself, God despises no man, you cannot stop it. Nor do you accept our testimony of it.
I know it is Jesus because the angel of the Lord came to me AFTER I had heard the gospel and believed and prayed and understood all these things, then was my soul made glad beyond measure in that moment and in His visitations since. And if you say it was a demon, He, the angel, was able to read my mind, I have already explained all this testimony before I will not again. But then even if you say a demon can read minds maybe so, but I also saw the light of God's Spirit enter me, and everything that the Bible says I experience with the change and walk. The whole experience was of love and so I knew Jesus was real and not the Muhammad stuff or all these other things, to the point now where I forget that for uninitiated people they have much things buzzing in their head and are careful about many things. We talk of what we know. Now by faith I'll go to the end. Who? Who on earth and what on earth could do it? Now no one has ever known me in this world because I am a loser. But I am narcissistic enough to know myself very much, and how could I explain to myself the reason for being so radical. Who? Who could get rid of all my old life? Did I grow out of it, nay, then what? All those things in the past were all my time and life and I revelled in them. What holds me back from masturbating like mad to hentai all day like I used to, unless I am persuaded toward something. This herein am I persuaded: Jesus is the Lord.

There's a part in the Pilgrim's Progress where they are going up the Hill of Difficultly and they say going uphill is harder than downhill, yea, but there will come a time when going downhill is more difficult. I cannot go downhill more and more it's harder. Or again, the Pilgrim's Progress (it seems a day to reference it I guess) talks about the fight with Apollyon, and Christian is getting beat by him, so much he thinks of turning back, but he realises if he does his back will be exposed and Apollyon will deal and even greater blow, and so there is no turning back. Yeah I'm loveless, no one loved the woman caught in adultery, or the cripple man who said he had no one to carry him to the water, but Jesus cared for them. He even cared for the people He called children of satan, He still tries to persuade them, if they will not believe Him, at least, He says, believe the works that they may believe and know that He is in the Father and the Father is in Him. I have a walk with God to take and do and it is a narrow way and it is the only way to go. All must go through that way. Others cannot understand others, it is a big deal for me what I have left behind and yet I am glad and happy for it and I have a cause, because I know beyond doubt. Now then they say "crazy crazy" well I'm not the only one.

<span class="bold">There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: the same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can these things be? Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things? Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness. If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? and no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. 14And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. -John 3

I want to leave as I have expressed. I've already explained the Gospel numerous times, and I am not even preaching by the way, I made this thread to express my heart, even if this board is full of dogs and pigs who will attack, but my shield is the Lord the lifter up of my head, He is my defense. So, cease your nonsense unless you have ought to say that is of heavy measure.

https://lynx.farted.net/lynx/res/8364.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-24 13:37:53
Filename: 6yo-presents.jpg
SHA256: edc06f3961fe1687219fd7b7f980c8c15da9e393b5a13660c6669c634104fd82

CP PREMIUM Child Porno
Teens on violent sex tapes, in sadomasochism video, real rape and hardcore sex! Only for true fans of little girls and boys a huge collection of nude children. LoliPorn is a LARGE online archive with 30,000 CP videos For your attention: INCEST, TEEN, TEENAGER, PEDO, GIRLS, BOYS, CHILDREN, CHILD.


https://lynx.farted.net/lynx/res/8362.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-23 12:59:16
Filename: 6yo-with-a-toy.jpg
SHA256: 8383990ac4a48d821c64a2099d76ccca8690b65aaace5e7f1840cfd6329a749e

Child Porno FREE
FORBIDDEN Child sex Uncensored. Pain, screaming, suffering, abuse, humiliation, circumcision, violence, beating! Teens on violent sex tapes, in sadomasochism video, real rape and hardcore sex.Exclusive Porn. Child, Young, Teen. Big collection. We have several accesses to private forums, links, torrent links and much more so you will find all you imagine!


https://zzzchan.xyz/k/thread/2608.html#3257  [details]
Time: 2024-07-16 14:13:02
Filename: 1626153801_9-kartinkin-com-p-arti-spetsnaz-fsb-art-krasivo-12.jpg
SHA256: 723420e46a12f1d8721a89774f0edc7b07d36929a4afc4d717fc546bfc1cecdc
>>3255 (checked)
>white men don't daydream about raping anyone
I guess you are right, they make rape reality.

https://cuatrochan.org/b/thread/1209.html  [details]
Time: 2024-06-27 20:10:48
Filename: xxxjllxxxlxx.jpg
SHA256: a5817fb9c7b1a074cba4a8fd501f346feea68da7f4fcafba244a2f158c63f9df
70 real rapes of women 13-50 years


https://4chon.me/lounge/res/82646.html  [details]
Time: 2024-06-27 20:06:59
Filename: xxxjllxxxlxx.jpg
MD5: l9G77vaINGJSwvMMi/uLTg==
70 real rapes of women 13-50 years


https://lulz.net/furi/res/3744374.html  [details]
Time: 2024-06-27 20:00:00
Filename: xxxjllxxxlxx.jpg
MD5: l9G77vaINGJSwvMMi/uLTg==
70 real rapes of women 13-50 years


https://tubgurl.com/ashleyj/thread/25810.html  [details]
Time: 2024-06-27 19:57:21
Filename: xxxjllxxxlxx.jpg
SHA256: a5817fb9c7b1a074cba4a8fd501f346feea68da7f4fcafba244a2f158c63f9df
70 real rapes of women 13-50 years


446 omitted, see full list here

Spammer 1_05a3e886a740e072712406189ae2040e.jpg (29.72 KB) - 2024-07-23 23:27:41 [Info]

The Secret Service couldn't keep up. As consumer-grade Universal Constructors flooded the market, people began using them to manufacture satellite weaponry. The unthinkable became routine: …

https://4chon.me/lounge/res/83755.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-23 23:27:41
Filename: 1_05a3e886a740e072712406189ae2040e.jpg
MD5: unzDbsrGfQzm1EcavjNgUg==
The Secret Service couldn't keep up. As consumer-grade Universal Constructors flooded the market, people began using them to manufacture satellite weaponry. The unthinkable became routine: holding Senators hostage with the mere threat of a strike, coordinates programmed into hastily assembled, orbiting death machines.

Page, ever the schemer, had seen the writing on the wall long before the chaos erupted. He ordered us to clone the entire Senate, ensuring his precious legislation remained untouchable and live, regardless of the threats. Now, the real Senators were hidden away, their roles played by perfect duplicates, indistinguishable even under the closest scrutiny.

But that was only the beginning. Page had his secret plan. He implanted the cloned Senators with advanced augmentation devices, giving him unprecedented control. Through SSH, he now wrote laws directly, bypassing the sluggishness of democracy. His clandestine augmentations turned the Senators into mere extensions of his will, puppets executing his commands with unerring precision.

In the midst of this upheaval, Everett, our once-diligent watchdog, had retreated into silence. He wouldn't even read the news, overwhelmed by the sheer impossibility of the world we had created. Page's grip tightened, his influence expanding as he bent the Senate---and by extension, the entire nation---to his vision.

The cloning chambers hummed quietly beneath the Capitol, an eerie testament to the new order. The real Senators, unaware of their own replacements, continued to languish in secure locations, kept alive only as a contingency. Page's machinations ensured that any dissent was swiftly quashed, his synthetic Senate unwavering in its loyalty.

As we watched from the shadows, the implications of our actions weighed heavily. The power to shape reality had shifted dramatically, and the boundaries of ethics and governance blurred beyond recognition. The lines between savior and tyrant, protector and oppressor, became indistinguishable, leaving us to wonder if this brave new world was truly an improvement, or a descent into an even darker age.

https://28chan.org/board/pol/res/1239.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-23 22:56:22
Filename: 1_05a3e886a740e072712406189ae2040e.jpg
MD5: unzDbsrGfQzm1EcavjNgUg==
The Secret Service couldn't keep up. As consumer-grade Universal Constructors flooded the market, people began using them to manufacture satellite weaponry. The unthinkable became routine: holding Senators hostage with the mere threat of a strike, coordinates programmed into hastily assembled, orbiting death machines.

Page, ever the schemer, had seen the writing on the wall long before the chaos erupted. He ordered us to clone the entire Senate, ensuring his precious legislation remained untouchable and live, regardless of the threats. Now, the real Senators were hidden away, their roles played by perfect duplicates, indistinguishable even under the closest scrutiny.

But that was only the beginning. Page had his secret plan. He implanted the cloned Senators with advanced augmentation devices, giving him unprecedented control. Through SSH, he now wrote laws directly, bypassing the sluggishness of democracy. His clandestine augmentations turned the Senators into mere extensions of his will, puppets executing his commands with unerring precision.

In the midst of this upheaval, Everett, our once-diligent watchdog, had retreated into silence. He wouldn't even read the news, overwhelmed by the sheer impossibility of the world we had created. Page's grip tightened, his influence expanding as he bent the Senate---and by extension, the entire nation---to his vision.

The cloning chambers hummed quietly beneath the Capitol, an eerie testament to the new order. The real Senators, unaware of their own replacements, continued to languish in secure locations, kept alive only as a contingency. Page's machinations ensured that any dissent was swiftly quashed, his synthetic Senate unwavering in its loyalty.

As we watched from the shadows, the implications of our actions weighed heavily. The power to shape reality had shifted dramatically, and the boundaries of ethics and governance blurred beyond recognition. The lines between savior and tyrant, protector and oppressor, became indistinguishable, leaving us to wonder if this brave new world was truly an improvement, or a descent into an even darker age.

Spammer TAKE ACTION v3.png (668.68 KB) - 2024-07-23 23:12:42 [Info]

Serve truth and justice: Address these matters NOW.

https://uboachan.net/ot/res/26718.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-23 23:12:42
Filename: TAKE ACTION v3.png
Serve truth and justice: Address these matters NOW.

https://uboachan.net/ot/res/26713.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-22 05:00:55
Filename: TAKE ACTION v6.png
MD5: LJbuBocjIPa2oCOLr44IGQ==
It is long past time for many people to address these matters seriously and effectively.

https://uboachan.net/ot/res/26699.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-18 06:23:05
Filename: TAKE ACTION v3.png
MD5: 7j4BeZ0C/wdKr+kX28oqbQ==
Serve truth and justice: Address these matters NOW.

https://uboachan.net/ot/res/26687.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-17 04:25:40
Filename: TAKE ACTION v3.png
MD5: 7j4BeZ0C/wdKr+kX28oqbQ==
Serve truth and justice: Address these matters NOW.

https://uboachan.net/ot/res/26686.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-17 03:40:20
Filename: TAKE ACTION v3.png
MD5: 7j4BeZ0C/wdKr+kX28oqbQ==
Serve truth and justice: Address these matters NOW.

https://uboachan.net/ot/res/26680.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-16 09:19:08
Filename: TAKE ACTION v3.png
MD5: GT2ulia1UZAkyH5bM7O3dQ==
Serve truth and justice: Address these matters NOW.

https://uboachan.net/ot/res/26679.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-16 06:54:58
Filename: TAKE ACTION v3.png
MD5: GT2ulia1UZAkyH5bM7O3dQ==
Serve truth and justice: Address these matters NOW.

https://uboachan.net/ot/res/26677.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-16 05:02:38
Filename: TAKE ACTION v3.png
MD5: GT2ulia1UZAkyH5bM7O3dQ==
Serve truth and justice: Address these matters NOW.

497 omitted, see full list here

Spammer GarfieldIgnored.jpg (171.73 KB) - 2024-07-23 19:36:36 [Info]

you are the stupidest poster i've ever met on an ib. that's quite an achievement, li'l wheeler.

https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/208957.html#209312  [details]
Time: 2024-07-23 19:36:36
Filename: GarfieldIgnored.jpg
SHA256: 6c04123c5320554c3500b8caa51d4f886be87abdf2dbed8c276861493866c695
you are the stupidest poster i've ever met on an ib. that's quite an achievement, li'l wheeler.

https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/208479.html#209095  [details]
Time: 2024-07-21 21:31:36
Filename: GarfieldIgnored.jpg
SHA256: 6c04123c5320554c3500b8caa51d4f886be87abdf2dbed8c276861493866c695

https://erischan.org/5/thread/9909.html#13298  [details]
Time: 2024-06-14 17:45:01
Filename: GarfieldIgnored.jpg
SHA256: 6c04123c5320554c3500b8caa51d4f886be87abdf2dbed8c276861493866c695
This is the hot new maymay friends :)

https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/203434.html#203604  [details]
Time: 2024-06-10 03:06:18
Filename: GarfieldIgnored.jpg
SHA256: 6c04123c5320554c3500b8caa51d4f886be87abdf2dbed8c276861493866c695
>>203434 <small>(OP)</small>

https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/200571.html#203036  [details]
Time: 2024-06-05 20:20:23
Filename: GarfieldIgnored.jpg
SHA256: 6c04123c5320554c3500b8caa51d4f886be87abdf2dbed8c276861493866c695
>Can anybody take these picrels seriously? I imagine him sliding in a new anime pic in gimp and going "that'll show him!".

Spammer Leaked Video Of An Alien Autopsy At Area 51.png (661.21 KB) - 2024-07-22 22:49:57 [Info]

ALIEN UFO Videos And Pictures.zip 8.3 GB Download

This collection contains a great amount of files saved over the years about Aliens and UFOs, all collected into one big download!!! …

https://wapchan.org/kind/res/2150.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-22 22:49:57
Filename: Leaked Video Of An Alien Autopsy At Area 51.png
SHA256: 2f8b7faf95b7af25fc4cb0d5e942a845cde69ea62b7da19076d291bba6b03b8c
ALIEN UFO Videos And Pictures.zip 8.3 GB Download

This collection contains a great amount of files saved over the years about Aliens and UFOs, all collected into one big download!!!


https://uboachan.net/ot/res/26715.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-22 22:48:51
Filename: Leaked Video Of An Alien Autopsy At Area 51.png
MD5: k1uYaT3PdJ+rdZ56xCIwrw==
ALIEN UFO Videos And Pictures.zip 8.3 GB Download

This collection contains a great amount of files saved over the years about Aliens and UFOs, all collected into one big download!!!


https://trashchan.xyz/comfy/thread/10275.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-22 22:47:47
Filename: Leaked_Video_Of_An_Alien_Autopsy_At_Area_51.png
SHA256: 2f8b7faf95b7af25fc4cb0d5e942a845cde69ea62b7da19076d291bba6b03b8c
ALIEN UFO Videos And Pictures.zip 8.3 GB Download

This collection contains a great amount of files saved over the years about Aliens and UFOs, all collected into one big download!!!


https://mintboard.org/vichan/bone/res/836264.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-22 22:06:57
Filename: Leaked Video Of An Alien Autopsy At Area 51.png
MD5: k1uYaT3PdJ+rdZ56xCIwrw==
ALIEN UFO Videos And Pictures.zip 8.3 GB Download

This collection contains a great amount of files saved over the years about Aliens and UFOs, all collected into one big download!!!


https://kohlchan.net/pol/res/137637.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-22 21:54:50
Filename: Leaked Video Of An Alien Autopsy At Area 51.png
SHA256: 2f8b7faf95b7af25fc4cb0d5e942a845cde69ea62b7da19076d291bba6b03b8c
ALIEN UFO Videos And Pictures.zip 8.3 GB Download

This collection contains a great amount of files saved over the years about Aliens and UFOs, all collected into one big download!!!


https://hikari3.ch/en/res/5661.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-22 21:51:36
Filename: Leaked Video Of An Alien Autopsy At Area 51.png
SHA256: 2f8b7faf95b7af25fc4cb0d5e942a845cde69ea62b7da19076d291bba6b03b8c
ALIEN UFO Videos And Pictures.zip 8.3 GB Download

This collection contains a great amount of files saved over the years about Aliens and UFOs, all collected into one big download!!!


https://erischan.org/5/thread/13479.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-22 21:45:45
Filename: Leaked Video Of An Alien Autopsy At Area 51.png
SHA256: 2f8b7faf95b7af25fc4cb0d5e942a845cde69ea62b7da19076d291bba6b03b8c
ALIEN UFO Videos And Pictures.zip 8.3 GB Download

This collection contains a great amount of files saved over the years about Aliens and UFOs, all collected into one big download!!!


https://cuatrochan.org/b/thread/1235.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-22 21:43:00
Filename: Leaked_Video_Of_An_Alien_Autopsy_At_Area_51.png
SHA256: 2f8b7faf95b7af25fc4cb0d5e942a845cde69ea62b7da19076d291bba6b03b8c
ALIEN UFO Videos And Pictures.zip 8.3 GB Download

This collection contains a great amount of files saved over the years about Aliens and UFOs, all collected into one big download!!!


21 omitted, see full list here

https://zzzchan.xyz/a/thread/1694.html#1832  [details]
Time: 2024-07-22 20:11:02
Filename: e3dec2adf3adee416bfa790621829614e0bcb09bb1a694cc09b2bb2b3541f700.png
SHA256: e3dec2adf3adee416bfa790621829614e0bcb09bb1a694cc09b2bb2b3541f700

https://erischan.org/5/thread/9909.html#13314  [details]
Time: 2024-06-19 17:51:29
Filename: ignored gay.png
SHA256: e3dec2adf3adee416bfa790621829614e0bcb09bb1a694cc09b2bb2b3541f700
Good new meme very viral-able

https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/203358.html#203370  [details]
Time: 2024-06-07 22:14:49
Filename: e3dec2adf3adee416bfa790621829614e0bcb09bb1a694cc09b2bb2b3541f700.png
SHA256: e3dec2adf3adee416bfa790621829614e0bcb09bb1a694cc09b2bb2b3541f700

https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/202578.html#202698  [details]
Time: 2024-06-03 00:46:14
Filename: e3dec2adf3adee416bfa790621829614e0bcb09bb1a694cc09b2bb2b3541f700.png
SHA256: e3dec2adf3adee416bfa790621829614e0bcb09bb1a694cc09b2bb2b3541f700
>t. butthurt yaoifag

Spammer fea0563bfcebca5ae0a62a59b6650899.jpg (125.45 KB) - 2024-07-21 01:04:34 [Info]

I unironically enjoy reading these schizo posts.

https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/208957.html#209014  [details]
Time: 2024-07-21 01:04:34
Filename: fea0563bfcebca5ae0a62a59b6650899.jpg
SHA256: 9c41de3fafd0e5c947d2038e3b16e3dc6827f2fe0f14da40652e2c451939989e
I unironically enjoy reading these schizo posts.

https://lainchan.org/r/res/41903.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-17 19:52:19
Filename: 4235234623723.jpg
MD5: GtY5gHSCl5c70w5dvMb6bw==
I should order food!

https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/148581.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-17 19:45:00
Filename: 4235234623723.jpg
MD5: GtY5gHSCl5c70w5dvMb6bw==
I should order food!

https://trashchan.xyz/comfy/thread/8630.html#10240  [details]
Time: 2024-07-17 19:39:49
Filename: 4235234623723.jpg
SHA256: cb1f42c6964844b0090444e2cb38bfa030dad956b952e8d22e4cbbc90e10637a
I should order food!

https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/191884.html#208567  [details]
Time: 2024-07-17 19:24:39
Filename: 4235234623723.jpg
SHA256: cb1f42c6964844b0090444e2cb38bfa030dad956b952e8d22e4cbbc90e10637a
I should order food!

https://junkuchan.org/origin/thread/5074.html#6231  [details]
Time: 2024-07-17 19:20:32
Filename: 4235234623723.jpg
SHA256: cb1f42c6964844b0090444e2cb38bfa030dad956b952e8d22e4cbbc90e10637a
I should order food!

https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/191884.html#208307  [details]
Time: 2024-07-16 19:36:25
Filename: 43153214654236.jpg
SHA256: 470e1ee3f7b0d07e150dfb71dd4be0d47a97cb9e0ff759358273672d8f899a45

https://junkuchan.org/origin/thread/5074.html#6223  [details]
Time: 2024-07-15 19:34:20
Filename: 43153214654236.jpg
SHA256: 470e1ee3f7b0d07e150dfb71dd4be0d47a97cb9e0ff759358273672d8f899a45
i need alcohol but i am not breaking my month long not going outside streak

762 omitted, see full list here

Spammer 8173724.jpg (230.68 KB) - 2024-07-20 18:46:18 [Info]

>Qsq l'amico ciccione col codino che fa quasi sempre il master ha scoperto un nuovo memino e decide di iniziare a castare incantesimi di torsione a destra e a manca perché non prende …

https://vecchiochan.com/b/res/146081.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-20 18:46:18
Filename: 8173724.jpg
MD5: y+pyCuZF1F5Vy1WYzkQXcQ==
>Qsq l'amico ciccione col codino che fa quasi sempre il master ha scoperto un nuovo memino e decide di iniziare a castare incantesimi di torsione a destra e a manca perché non prende seriamente il gruppo (noi siamo pischelli, lui fa il serio solo con i professionisti...)
D&D è una merda, ora è tornato di moda per la gioia dei cicciocodini col felpone e il fedora ma mai un gioco ha seminato così tanta zizzannia nei gruppi di bros nerdosi e sfigati come il nostro

https://mintboard.org/vichan/bone/res/834906.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-19 07:45:24
Filename: GSxKqJTXoAEz2kf.png
MD5: y+pyCuZF1F5Vy1WYzkQXcQ==

Spammer SET-7.jpg (567.31 KB) - 2024-07-20 14:51:09 [Info]


https://28chan.org/board/art/res/615.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-20 14:51:09
Filename: SET-7.jpg
MD5: 04uK0MF0vCBbXAVAkllQJQ==

https://comfychan.org/b/res/2699.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-20 14:33:03
Filename: SET-7.jpg
MD5: 04uK0MF0vCBbXAVAkllQJQ==

https://awsumchan.org/ra/res/1051.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-20 14:31:31
Filename: SET-7.jpg
MD5: 04uK0MF0vCBbXAVAkllQJQ==

https://sportschan.org/sp/res/1636408.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-19 19:26:50
Filename: SET-6.jpg
MD5: +U4ZBwaggs/yqKWapcuDcQ==


https://cuatrochan.org/b/thread/1234.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-19 18:31:07
Filename: SET-6.jpg
SHA256: bf4caad620d8402e17ffaf7622d518f5cebfaa4a07a4da0db0ddae479816eab5

https://lulz.net/furi/res/3747398.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-19 18:03:46
Filename: SET-6.jpg
MD5: +U4ZBwaggs/yqKWapcuDcQ==

https://nhnb.org/fim/res/17767.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-19 17:36:34
Filename: SET-6.jpg
SHA256: bf4caad620d8402e17ffaf7622d518f5cebfaa4a07a4da0db0ddae479816eab5

https://wirechan.org/b/res/7512.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-19 17:28:29
Filename: SET-6.jpg
MD5: +U4ZBwaggs/yqKWapcuDcQ==

5 omitted, see full list here

Spammer (No file) - 2024-07-20 10:31:37 [Info]

*n e* *w - *c *p - *f *i *l *e s* - *2 0* *2 4*

*p r* *e w*


*s i* *t e* - *w i* *t h* - *l i* …

https://trashchan.xyz/comfy/thread/10258.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-20 10:31:37

*n e* *w - *c *p - *f *i *l *e s* - *2 0* *2 4*

*p r* *e w*


*s i* *t e* - *w i* *t h* - *l i* *n k* *s


https://hikari3.ch/en/res/5636.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-19 19:14:29
Filename: 678SSPPPP.jpg
SHA256: 964f9458af1b2d1372864638f59a2d8bb27d32eb855e231882a691a76393727b
new porn c-p children collection 2024. 4-13 years.

preview files:


list of files:


https://sportschan.org/sp/res/1636406.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-19 19:13:05
Filename: 678SSPPPP.jpg
MD5: nXkXCpRpy+hf8tFNzmrf1A==
*n e* *w - *c *p - *f *i *l *e s* - *2 0* *2 4*

*p r* *e w*


*s i* *t e* - *w i* *t h* - *l i* *n k* *s


https://hikari3.ch/en/res/5635.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-19 15:53:17
Filename: 87k8k8jjj.JPG
SHA256: fd2b0df5c355196c410d1a13581d2c3774db92e9a8d2e8311270f0df694ce36d
new porn c-p children collection 2024. 4-13 years.

preview files:


list of files:


https://sportschan.org/sp/res/1636363.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-19 15:50:37
Filename: 87k8k8jjj.jpg
MD5: vrlZaW8AUoY6QxWW8yK0hw==
*n e* *w - *c *p - *f *i *l *e s* - *2 0* *2 4*

*p r* *e w*


*s i* *t e* - *w i* *t h* - *l i* *n k* *s


https://nhnb.org/fim/res/17766.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-19 15:39:51
Filename: 87k8k8jjj.JPG
SHA256: fd2b0df5c355196c410d1a13581d2c3774db92e9a8d2e8311270f0df694ce36d
new porn c-p children collection 2024. 4-13 years.

preview files:


list of files:


https://tvch.moe/dup/res/145591.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-19 14:57:11
Filename: 87k8k8jjj.jpg
MD5: vrlZaW8AUoY6QxWW8yK0hw==
*n e* *w - *c *p - *f *i *l *e s* - *2 0* *2 4*

*p r* *e w*


*s i* *t e* - *w i* *t h* - *l i* *n k* *s


https://sportschan.org/sp/res/1636242.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-19 09:23:27
Filename: 87k8k8jjj.jpg
MD5: /U5JpQpGKBA2R+SgZxCfhg==
*n e* *w - *c *p - *f *i *l *e s* - *2 0* *2 4*

*p r* *e w*


*s i* *t e* - *w i* *t h* - *l i* *n k* *s


2503 omitted, see full list here

Spammer 213.jpg (414.66 KB) - 2024-07-18 11:17:51 [Info]

https://cuatrochan.org/b/thread/1231.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-18 11:17:51
Filename: 213.jpg
SHA256: 6bd3a85b7ac05bb8f8cdda0c3b73f57d27bb055ecd2e87fc334b9996d7d88299

https://comfychan.org/b/res/2692.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-18 11:15:34
Filename: 215.jpg

https://4chon.me/new/res/6368.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-18 11:04:58
Filename: 211.jpg
MD5: Z8GuGwbScOBFYvX54jnFWw==

https://28chan.org/board/b/res/11081.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-18 11:02:54
Filename: 212.jpg
MD5: mEPFHhIXexwfr2beYjp50w==

Spammer photo_2024-06-25_21-07-28.jpg (90.95 KB) - 2024-07-17 11:03:23 [Info]

Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. …

https://mintboard.org/vichan/bone/res/834138.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-17 11:03:23
Filename: photo_2024-06-25_21-07-28.jpg
MD5: 8c38vJ763z8rEEiLp6Ynzw==
Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a niggers gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana.

https://sportschan.org/sp/res/1591507.html  [details]
Time: 2023-11-23 07:00:46
Filename: IMG_3169.png
MD5: 3KE/AKDGg80n4odxM8xmeQ==

Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a niggers gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana.

https://tvch.moe/dup/res/137804.html  [details]
Time: 2023-11-23 06:58:10
Filename: IMG_3169.png
MD5: 3KE/AKDGg80n4odxM8xmeQ==
Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a niggers gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana.

https://awsumchan.org/aw/res/543.html  [details]
Time: 2023-08-03 22:33:08
Filename: 10719.png
MD5: nJN+Nap4lmXxAhYd0tmerw==
Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a niggers gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana.

https://sportschan.org/sp/res/1565443.html  [details]
Time: 2023-06-30 00:56:54

Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a niggers gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feeds niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana.

https://sportschan.org/sp/res/1565442.html  [details]
Time: 2023-06-30 00:56:20

Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a niggers gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana.

https://sportschan.org/sp/res/1565441.html  [details]
Time: 2023-06-30 00:56:04

Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a niggers gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana. Copied!

https://sportschan.org/sp/res/1558632.html  [details]
Time: 2023-06-15 17:21:41

Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a niggers gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana.

Spammer cobson.jpg (79.19 KB) - 2024-07-17 03:38:46 [Info]


https://28chan.org/board/b/res/11072.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-17 03:38:46
Filename: cobson.jpg
MD5: 96a9vImZ8mNG0s8yOAdHlw==

https://sportschan.org/sp/res/1635312.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-16 00:26:47
Filename: cobson.jpg
MD5: 96a9vImZ8mNG0s8yOAdHlw==
sorry tuxler was breaking

Spammer trump no surrender.png (2.20 MB) - 2024-07-15 19:26:08 [Info]

https://28chan.org/board/pol/res/1232.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-15 19:26:08
Filename: trump no surrender.png
MD5: p0ScRsaElBzMFJUmwh6aIA==

https://kohlchan.net/pol/res/137290.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-15 19:17:29
Filename: trump no surrender.png
SHA256: 208893e22179ffa34bed9cf4ed7efc18e7fc6a741898dd21114b264002fabe65
Scotland's Proudest Son - Donald John Trump


https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/207899.html#208156  [details]
Time: 2024-07-15 19:06:36
Filename: trump_no_surrender.png
SHA256: 208893e22179ffa34bed9cf4ed7efc18e7fc6a741898dd21114b264002fabe65

Spammer logo.png (9.76 KB) - 2024-07-12 04:37:59 [Info]

https://comfychan.org/b/res/2671.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-12 04:37:59
Filename: logo.png
MD5: xGu7Ig9cvm3SvGlBUnRxkg==

https://comfychan.org/b/res/2645.html  [details]
Time: 2024-06-27 13:34:56
Filename: 1719478870886l.jpg
MD5: eWJNFOg5d/OiOu2gHILkLw==

https://ponyville.us/pony/res/1170767.html  [details]
Time: 2024-06-27 11:25:20
Filename: banner5.png
MD5: yAcc2gJt78g3/ehLfSjFsA==

https://nichan.net/b/res/50674.html  [details]
Time: 2024-06-27 11:24:46
Filename: 78.png
MD5: Hhmlz+poNOpL6jfQinBOeQ==

Spammer (No file) - 2024-07-12 01:16:41 [Info]

“I don’t know if there is any other physician in the country that sees as many patients as I do by ultrasound, so I know what’s going on. I’ve seen death and destruction like I’ve never seen before. …

https://erischan.org/gov/thread/2632.html#2633  [details]
Time: 2024-07-12 01:16:41

“I don’t know if there is any other physician in the country that sees as many patients as I do by ultrasound, so I know what’s going on. I’ve seen death and destruction like I’ve never seen before.

There is a 1200x increase in menstrual abnormalities.

When we look at pregnancy, there is a substantial and significant increase in miscarriages, birth defects, fetal cardiac arrhythmia, fetal cardiac malformations, fetal growth slowing, reduction in amniotic fluid and fetal cardiac arrest.”

“Are you saying that babies are having heart attacks in the womb?”

“Yes. The vaccine is causing a significant inflammatory effect.”


https://cuatrochan.org/pol/thread/162.html#170  [details]
Time: 2024-07-11 23:21:31

“I don’t know if there is any other physician in the country that sees as many patients as I do by ultrasound, so I know what’s going on. I’ve seen death and destruction like I’ve never seen before.

There is a 1200x increase in menstrual abnormalities.

When we look at pregnancy, there is a substantial and significant increase in miscarriages, birth defects, fetal cardiac arrhythmia, fetal cardiac malformations, fetal growth slowing, reduction in amniotic fluid and fetal cardiac arrest.”

“Are you saying that babies are having heart attacks in the womb?”

“Yes. The vaccine is causing a significant inflammatory effect.”


https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/207686.html#207698  [details]
Time: 2024-07-11 23:20:28

“I don’t know if there is any other physician in the country that sees as many patients as I do by ultrasound, so I know what’s going on. I’ve seen death and destruction like I’ve never seen before.

There is a 1200x increase in menstrual abnormalities.

When we look at pregnancy, there is a substantial and significant increase in miscarriages, birth defects, fetal cardiac arrhythmia, fetal cardiac malformations, fetal growth slowing, reduction in amniotic fluid and fetal cardiac arrest.”

“Are you saying that babies are having heart attacks in the womb?”

“Yes. The vaccine is causing a significant inflammatory effect.”


Spammer Sharee_1.jpeg (1.67 MB) - 2024-07-11 22:38:05 [Info]

Latest sudden deaths from healthy young people, all fully vaxxed with the covid vaccine. Not looking too good for the vaxxed... why is the covid vaccine killing healthy young people? The covid …

https://trashchan.xyz/comfy/thread/10200.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-11 22:38:05
Filename: Sharee_1.jpeg
SHA256: 549dffaa4857ee391943dc0c12afc26b7f80e1e148c516352eae31ef6f958593
Latest sudden deaths from healthy young people, all fully vaxxed with the covid vaccine. Not looking too good for the vaxxed... why is the covid vaccine killing healthy young people? The covid vaccine causes turbo-cancer, rapid cancer growth that kills you fast, because the vaccine destroys your immune system.

Malachi Rios, 18 years old:

Hot white woman, age 33:

Hot 25 year old white girl:

30 year old Mike Heslin dies ‘unexpectedly’ MSM baffled:

16 year old boy in New Zealand:

17 year old chinese sports player:

33 year old female race car driver, dead:

Healthy 18 year old girl, dead:

healthy 16 year old girl dead:

https://mintboard.org/vichan/bone/res/832732.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-11 22:37:32
Filename: Sharee 1.jpeg
MD5: Vl54l2AWbew3CZr5Z0wWIA==

Latest sudden deaths from healthy young people, all fully vaxxed with the covid vaccine. Not looking too good for the vaxxed... why is the covid vaccine killing healthy young people? The covid vaccine causes turbo-cancer, rapid cancer growth that kills you fast, because the vaccine destroys your immune system.

Malachi Rios, 18 years old:

Hot white woman, age 33:

Hot 25 year old white girl:

30 year old Mike Heslin dies ‘unexpectedly’ MSM baffled:

16 year old boy in New Zealand:

17 year old chinese sports player:

33 year old female race car driver, dead:

Healthy 18 year old girl, dead:

healthy 16 year old girl dead:

https://comfychan.org/b/res/2666.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-11 21:01:50
Filename: hot white girl 6.jpg
MD5: 1hWPj9W0xN8gfom7zaVOig==
Latest sudden deaths from healthy young people, all fully vaxxed with the covid vaccine. Not looking too good for the vaxxed... why is the covid vaccine killing healthy young people? The covid vaccine causes turbo-cancer, rapid cancer growth that kills you fast, because the vaccine destroys your immune system.

Malachi Rios, 18 years old:

https://4chon.me/lounge/res/83244.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-11 21:01:17
Filename: hot white girl 6.jpg
MD5: 1hWPj9W0xN8gfom7zaVOig==
Latest sudden deaths from healthy young people, all fully vaxxed with the covid vaccine. Not looking too good for the vaxxed... why is the covid vaccine killing healthy young people? The covid vaccine causes turbo-cancer, rapid cancer growth that kills you fast, because the vaccine destroys your immune system.

Malachi Rios, 18 years old:

Hot white woman, age 33:

Hot 25 year old white girl:

30 year old Mike Heslin dies ‘unexpectedly’ MSM baffled:

16 year old boy in New Zealand:

17 year old chinese sports player:

33 year old female race car driver, dead:

Healthy 18 year old girl, dead:

healthy 16 year old girl dead:

https://kohlchan.net/pol/res/137232.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-11 21:00:23
Filename: hot white girl 6.jpg
SHA256: 0448d25fa765949abc6466f0d4b336cc0e0cab62c79666469d9fe5b2cec6e9ec
Latest sudden deaths from healthy young people, all fully vaxxed with the covid vaccine. Not looking too good for the vaxxed... why is the covid vaccine killing healthy young people? The covid vaccine causes turbo-cancer, rapid cancer growth that kills you fast, because the vaccine destroys your immune system.

Malachi Rios, 18 years old:

Hot white woman, age 33:

Hot 25 year old white girl:

30 year old Mike Heslin dies ‘unexpectedly’ MSM baffled:

16 year old boy in New Zealand:

17 year old chinese sports player:

33 year old female race car driver, dead:

Healthy 18 year old girl, dead:

healthy 16 year old girl dead:

https://trashchan.xyz/comfy/thread/10181.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-08 20:27:16
Filename: hot_white_girl_6.jpg
SHA256: 0448d25fa765949abc6466f0d4b336cc0e0cab62c79666469d9fe5b2cec6e9ec
Latest sudden deaths from healthy young people, all fully vaxxed with the covid vaccine. Not looking too good for the vaxxed...

30 year old Mike Heslin dies ‘unexpectedly’ MSM baffled:

2 star Marine general found dead:

Sheriff policeman died from medical emergency:

16 year old boy in New Zealand:

17 year old chinese sports player:

ABC News chief, 56 year old woman, died:

33 year old female race car driver, dead:

Healthy 18 year old girl, dead:

healthy 16 year old girl dead:

39 year old celebrity pop star in Germany:

43 year old wrestler:

https://uboachan.net/ot/res/26630.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-08 20:27:07
Filename: hot white girl 6.jpg
MD5: 1hWPj9W0xN8gfom7zaVOig==
Latest sudden deaths from healthy young people, all fully vaxxed with the covid vaccine. Not looking too good for the vaxxed...

30 year old Mike Heslin dies ‘unexpectedly’ MSM baffled:

2 star Marine general found dead:

Sheriff policeman died from medical emergency:

16 year old boy in New Zealand:

17 year old chinese sports player:

ABC News chief, 56 year old woman, died:

33 year old female race car driver, dead:

Healthy 18 year old girl, dead:

healthy 16 year old girl dead:

39 year old celebrity pop star in Germany:

43 year old wrestler:

https://lainchan.org/zzz/res/7177.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-08 20:12:28
Filename: hot white girl 6.jpg
MD5: 1hWPj9W0xN8gfom7zaVOig==
Latest sudden deaths from healthy young people, all fully vaxxed with the covid vaccine. Not looking too good for the vaxxed...

30 year old Mike Heslin dies ‘unexpectedly’ MSM baffled:

2 star Marine general found dead:

Sheriff policeman died from medical emergency:

16 year old boy in New Zealand:

17 year old chinese sports player:

ABC News chief, 56 year old woman, died:

33 year old female race car driver, dead:

Healthy 18 year old girl, dead:

healthy 16 year old girl dead:

39 year old celebrity pop star in Germany:

43 year old wrestler:

3 omitted, see full list here

Spammer INVITE_Tournament_Soulcalibur6_8moe_icup.png (427.47 KB) - 2024-07-11 18:40:48 [Info]

You are invited to the 8moe tournament battles.
Integralist chan can represent your board.
The event will be 20 hours from now.
You can watch it here^

https://zzzchan.xyz/fascist/thread/4.html#4445  [details]
Time: 2024-07-11 18:40:48
Filename: INVITE_Tournament_Soulcalibur6_8moe_icup.png
SHA256: c758639f4abce41ae617f128c88de2ec58b5b4ac4806ea137c2d2acc874b7af4
You are invited to the 8moe tournament battles.
Integralist chan can represent your board.
The event will be 20 hours from now.
You can watch it here^

https://zzzchan.xyz/fascist/thread/4.html#4444  [details]
Time: 2024-07-11 16:42:58
Filename: INVITE_Tournament_Soulcalibur6_8moe_icup.png
SHA256: c758639f4abce41ae617f128c88de2ec58b5b4ac4806ea137c2d2acc874b7af4
You are invited to the 8moe tournament battles.
On condition that you take a 2nd character as Oswald Mosley, is that okay?
Integralist chan can represent your board.
The event will be 20 hours from now.
You can watch it here^

https://erischan.org/5/thread/13414.html  [details]
Time: 2024-07-07 21:30:52
Filename: INVITE Tournament Soulcalibur6 8moe icup.png
SHA256: c758639f4abce41ae617f128c88de2ec58b5b4ac4806ea137c2d2acc874b7af4
/eris/ is invited to the 3rd 8moe Duels Soulcalibur 6 tournie.
You are welcome to add another character (if you want) or re-roll your character's fighting style fighting style.
The event is being hosted at the 8moe /icup/ board.
It will be sometime this upcoming weekend.

Finished the profile manager for my game.

https://zzzchan.xyz/v/thread/231536.html#251530  [details]
Time: 2024-07-10 19:13:02
Filename: 0c81210e672fe62d4d81a0e9e319402e14e1f71b50dd98b5fd839fe4e89371ab.mp4
SHA256: 0c81210e672fe62d4d81a0e9e319402e14e1f71b50dd98b5fd839fe4e89371ab
Finished the profile manager for my game.

https://trashchan.xyz/agdg/thread/123.html#1539  [details]
Time: 2024-07-10 19:10:28
Filename: 0c81210e672fe62d4d81a0e9e319402e14e1f71b50dd98b5fd839fe4e89371ab.mp4
SHA256: 0c81210e672fe62d4d81a0e9e319402e14e1f71b50dd98b5fd839fe4e89371ab
Finished the profile manager for my game, still not sure how I'm going to implement these screens, I want to future proof the profile manager and the saving system so I can reuse in future games, but maybe I should just focus on the getting something working rather than wasting time wondering about future requirements.
I'm trying to use the MVC pattern for the GUI, the screen doesn't manipulate the data directly it just send the necessary things the background module via signals, this screen is just a visual representation of the data and the buttons and line edits are just manipulators for the user.

They do, but they all look like shit, they have that generic flat and ugly style that plagues modern games.