XJ-9K - Global Spam Detection Robot 9000

This site records spam threads automatically scraped from a number of imageboards.

Each entry is a detection, containing a list of matching threads. Not all threads in each detection necessarily matched the same criteria (If A and B have the same filename, and B and C have the same hash, it will group them all together), so check each thread for details. Attached images have been removed for obvious reasons. Links are disabled and most should not be visited by anyone ever.

Due to the detection methods, some non-spam threads such as reposts will be falsely detected as spam, many of these are greyed out. Tagging is semi-automated and will improve as more examples are found.

The next major goal is to have an API with confidence ratings, although until then there is an RSS feed to help give early warning for a wave of spam (ignores Repost and NotSpam tags).


Spammer 5.png (1.05 MB) - 2024-11-01 14:18:10 [Info]

play now the best porn game of 2024

https://wired-7.org/b/res/28559.html  [details]
Time: 2024-11-01 14:18:10
Filename: 5.png
MD5: GkHZi9YIOYzjj20ijjXQJQ==
play now the best porn game of 2024

https://28chan.org/board/b/res/11329.html  [details]
Time: 2024-11-01 14:10:25

play now the best porn game of 2024

https://awsumchan.org/ra/res/1099.html  [details]
Time: 2024-11-01 13:59:23
Filename: 5.png
MD5: GkHZi9YIOYzjj20ijjXQJQ==
play now the best porn game of 2024

https://nichan.net/b/res/51088.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-15 19:26:20
Filename: 5.png
MD5: GkHZi9YIOYzjj20ijjXQJQ==
Unlock Love Secrets in Sexville: A Game of Romantic Adventures
Play Now: https://[redacted]/Ka4bVRwklJ

https://awsumchan.org/ra/res/1080.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-15 19:23:06
Filename: 5.png
MD5: GkHZi9YIOYzjj20ijjXQJQ==
Unlock Love Secrets in Sexville: A Game of Romantic Adventures
Play Now: https://[redacted]/Ka4bVRwklJ

Spammer TAKE ACTION v3.png (669.72 KB) - 2024-11-01 08:12:52 [Info]

Serious and effective action is long overdue.

https://uboachan.net/ot/res/27235.html  [details]
Time: 2024-11-01 08:12:52
Filename: TAKE ACTION v3.png
MD5: vdcbMGCWF/NnMXz2X7WUXg==
Serious and effective action is long overdue.

https://uboachan.net/ot/res/27220.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-30 01:29:29
Filename: TAKE ACTION v3.png
MD5: St7fBOlemwnesk8jhxO2uQ==
Serious and effective action is long overdue.

https://uboachan.net/ot/res/27215.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-29 06:58:37
Filename: TAKE ACTION v3.png
MD5: dsN3WoH0PQZTtFCw9B+8zA==
Serious and effective action is long overdue.

https://uboachan.net/ot/res/27183.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-13 06:45:03
Filename: TAKE ACTION v3.png
MD5: uJzWuexoBKUEN1dous02Rg==
When will justice be served?

https://uboachan.net/ot/res/27181.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-13 02:55:54
Filename: TAKE ACTION v3.png
MD5: uJzWuexoBKUEN1dous02Rg==
When will justice be served?

https://uboachan.net/ot/res/27180.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-12 20:18:30
Filename: TAKE ACTION v3.png
MD5: uJzWuexoBKUEN1dous02Rg==
When will justice be served?

https://uboachan.net/ot/res/27179.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-11 23:38:54
Filename: TAKE ACTION v3.png
MD5: uJzWuexoBKUEN1dous02Rg==
When will justice be served?

https://uboachan.net/ot/res/27166.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-07 00:19:35
Filename: TAKE ACTION v3.png
MD5: DCdZcN7izSm76cHyXAGW2g==
When will justice be served?

598 omitted, see full list here

Spammer 5c.jpg (75.45 KB) - 2024-11-01 03:42:29 [Info]

Young and Sexy...


https://4chon.me/new/res/8066.html  [details]
Time: 2024-11-01 03:42:29
Filename: 5c.jpg
MD5: BLeHJuyPEDNQoMVtuci50Q==
Young and Sexy...


https://wirechan.org/b/res/7580.html  [details]
Time: 2024-11-01 03:38:50
Filename: f3014066c2a432e8acdb406fc55a1c2a2edca8615d111744bfd7f7e9ed57f026.jpg
MD5: 6lo2LfiAqclC/UwPHgkNQg==
Young and Sexy...


Spammer SS (2).jpg (377.17 KB) - 2024-11-01 02:29:51 [Info]


https://nichan.net/b/res/51266.html  [details]
Time: 2024-11-01 02:29:51
Filename: SS (2).jpg
MD5: 0sOQwjdLORKvMpc/Jm3BsQ==

https://nichan.net/b/res/51262.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-31 01:48:19
Filename: PA (1).jpg
MD5: wRL0YPmqBXa/DQI5CSlRrg==

https://nichan.net/b/res/51256.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-29 02:11:34
Filename: MMK (1).jpg
MD5: dgEAvH6E0PYjgj038fqY9g==

https://nichan.net/b/res/51255.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-28 01:20:35
Filename: VB (2).jpg
MD5: L6E6jfhOPKUZrnobk8kEVA==

https://nichan.net/b/res/51230.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-27 02:55:12
Filename: IK (2).jpg

https://nichan.net/b/res/51181.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-26 01:49:16
Filename: IMG (88).jpg
MD5: KVr/Ra0F1wuaW2KoOPF1yg==

https://nichan.net/b/res/51178.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-25 06:37:59
Filename: UU (2).jpg
MD5: fV4/n+8c4EQbysoaHjE1dg==

https://nichan.net/b/res/51171.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-24 02:56:56
Filename: GX (1).jpg
MD5: MkxFZkm74PUQPhYOkqD9Hg==

525 omitted, see full list here

Spammer 3.png (1.22 MB) - 2024-10-30 17:50:26 [Info]

https://awsumchan.org/ra/res/1097.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-30 17:50:26
Filename: 3.png
MD5: gDBEHPgUlxZDhY+mOqdkNA==

https://28chan.org/board/b/res/11327.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-30 17:36:55
Filename: 3.png
MD5: gDBEHPgUlxZDhY+mOqdkNA==

https://wired-7.org/b/res/28543.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-30 17:30:22
Filename: 3.png
MD5: gDBEHPgUlxZDhY+mOqdkNA==

Spammer IMG_0386.jpeg (87.53 KB) - 2024-10-29 02:43:17 [Info]

If there are an infinite number of natural numbers, and an infinite number of fractions in between any two natural numbers, and an infinite number of fractions in between any two fractions, does that …

https://uboachan.net/ot/res/27213.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-29 02:43:17
Filename: IMG_0386.jpeg
MD5: pXIsAgHBFBfFIot9sndbBg==
If there are an infinite number of natural numbers, and an infinite number of fractions in between any two natural numbers, and an infinite number of fractions in between any two fractions, does that mean that there are not only infinite infinities, but an infinite number of those infinities? And an infinite number of those infinities? And an infinite number of those infinities? And...(infinitely times. And that infinitely times. And that infinitely times. And that infinitely times. And...) continues forever. And that continues forever. And that continues forever. And that continues forever. And that continues forever. And...(...)...

How do you define the natural numbers without infinity?

https://hikari3.ch/en/res/6222.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-28 06:17:25
Filename: IMG_0363.jpeg
SHA256: cb3479554e9c02f4b9ed3a347f721ec7cdc15d24fdc6c0a0c723fff72569120a
If there are an infinite number of natural numbers, and an infinite number of fractions in between any two natural numbers, and an infinite number of fractions in between any two fractions, does that mean that there are not only infinite infinities, but an infinite number of those infinities? And an infinite number of those infinities? And an infinite number of those infinities? And…(infinitely times. And that infinitely times. And that infinitely times. And that infinitely times. And…) continues forever. And that continues forever. And that continues forever. And that continues forever. And that continues forever. And…(…)…

How do you define the natural numbers without infinity?

Spammer 1728467438215.jpg (220.10 KB) - 2024-10-28 15:24:49 [Info]

new porn with teenagers 6-14 years old, films in HD quality.

many different sex studios: men with teenagers and women with teenagers

preview files:


website with files …

https://lulz.net/furi/res/3757854.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-28 15:24:49
Filename: 1728467438215.jpg
MD5: YcLpFBAhDCubuYRl9uu0RQ==
new porn with teenagers 6-14 years old, films in HD quality.

many different sex studios: men with teenagers and women with teenagers

preview files:


website with files


https://hikari3.ch/en/res/6226.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-28 15:24:39
Filename: 1728467438215.jpg
SHA256: 9a286896b6f1b9715aced89bfeffdab9edd8060e30fcfc6d2e26724db9a4d355
new porn with teenagers 6-14 years old, films in HD quality.

many different sex studios: men with teenagers and women with teenagers

preview files:


website with files


https://lainchan.org/zzz/res/7318.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-28 15:20:47
Filename: 1728467438215.jpg
MD5: YcLpFBAhDCubuYRl9uu0RQ==
new porn with teenagers 6-14 years old, films in HD quality.

many different sex studios: men with teenagers and women with teenagers

preview files:


website with files


https://trashchan.xyz/comfy/thread/10941.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-26 16:38:31

new porn with teenagers 6-14 years old, films in HD quality.

many different sex studios: men with teenagers and women with teenagers

preview files:


website with files


https://nhnb.org/fim/res/18143.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-26 13:54:49
Filename: 57kggg45567.jpg
SHA256: 897f4b79c238211278618a4e39271b2210e5ed66aa27ca95d04a8def52feed22
new porn with teenagers 6-14 years old, films in HD quality.

many different sex studios: men with teenagers and women with teenagers

preview files:


website with files


https://lulz.net/furi/res/3757633.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-26 13:40:07
Filename: 57kggg45567.jpg
MD5: Tzye4mH7a/bZ5BjxVIZkow==
new porn with teenagers 6-14 years old, films in HD quality.

many different sex studios: men with teenagers and women with teenagers

preview files:


website with files


https://hikari3.ch/en/res/6207.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-26 13:39:47
Filename: 57kggg45567.jpg
SHA256: 897f4b79c238211278618a4e39271b2210e5ed66aa27ca95d04a8def52feed22
new porn with teenagers 6-14 years old, films in HD quality.

many different sex studios: men with teenagers and women with teenagers

preview files:


website with files


https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/154283.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-26 13:35:23
Filename: 57kggg45567.jpg
MD5: Tzye4mH7a/bZ5BjxVIZkow==
new porn with teenagers 6-14 years old, films in HD quality.

many different sex studios: men with teenagers and women with teenagers

preview files:


website with files


5 omitted, see full list here

Spammer WIechzFJHNtT.png (919.12 KB) - 2024-10-27 01:27:51 [Info]

Antonia Eliana Ortiz Schiaffino me tiro el peo en mi nariz

https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/218669.html#222836  [details]
Time: 2024-10-27 01:27:51
Filename: WIechzFJHNtT.png
SHA256: 696e35f62ce58f0d42e2b1d17d45872f2ab10942d22de5291b752383136f5f2c
Antonia Eliana Ortiz Schiaffino me tiro el peo en mi nariz

https://4chon.me/new/res/8036.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-26 23:24:38
Filename: WIechzFJHNtT.png
MD5: urB6qR6wKA12luA97jDcfQ==
Antonia Eliana Ortiz Schiaffino me tiro el peo en mi nariz

Spammer _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg (51.81 KB) - 2024-10-25 19:43:33 [Info]

Behind the loud victories, the newsreels of the execution of criminals, the promises of new wunderwaffles and the pains of the sleeping Joe, about which the mouthpiece of the democratic party …

https://28chan.org/board/pol/res/1277.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-25 19:43:33
Filename: _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg
Behind the loud victories, the newsreels of the execution of criminals, the promises of new wunderwaffles and the pains of the sleeping Joe, about which the mouthpiece of the democratic party announces to us, there remain a lot of problems that do not leave the attention of the ordinary anon sitting on the other side of the phone / computer.

Illegal migration, which in some places looks like replacing one nation with another, purely formal checks of criminals at the borders and troubles at the front, which only a lazy person (or a turbo-democrat) has not heard of. In the same way, everyday evils in the form of total injustice from the corruption of the government and its double standards, rising prices of goods, problems with finding a job and tightening the screws for those willing to tell the truth do not allow anons to remain calm.

Anyone who wants to share the latest news, stories about fentanyl and color-coded left-liberal criminals just fed up with the machinations of the Democratic Slave Owner --- willkommen!

https://lulz.net/furi/res/3757415.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-23 23:07:25
Filename: _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg
why is the irc dead af

https://mintboard.org/vichan/bone/res/866623.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-17 16:34:12
Filename: image_proxy.jpg
remember when people posted that krautchan protects/prevents from reproduction 1000 %

https://mintboard.org/vichan/bone/res/857391.html  [details]
Time: 2024-09-25 13:11:32
Filename: _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg
they tried to kill me not to whore me

Spammer 7703.mp4_.jpg (99.42 KB) - 2024-10-24 15:38:40 [Info]

<span class="em"> PID-O-MOM L+O>L>K-A>S

https://cuatrochan.org/b/thread/1353.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-24 15:38:40
Filename: 7703.mp4_.jpg
SHA256: 7a1129a8f7d55ba302b3b0a47b3d6b618a422198878f4198f95a8870bf884428
<span class="em"> PID-O-MOM L+O>L>K-A>S

https://awsumchan.org/ra/res/1082.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-24 15:03:17
Filename: 7703.mp4_.jpg
MD5: qmcfyLJ2SCUL9z1sCjFBFg==

https://sportschan.org/sp/res/1657394.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-24 10:56:29
Filename: 7703.mp4_.jpg
MD5: qmcfyLJ2SCUL9z1sCjFBFg==
<span style="color: #4d94ff;">##
<span style="color: #4d94ff;">##

https://trashchan.xyz/comfy/thread/10926.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-24 10:53:55
Filename: 7703.mp4_.jpg
SHA256: 7a1129a8f7d55ba302b3b0a47b3d6b618a422198878f4198f95a8870bf884428

https://370ch.lt/int/res/206.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-24 08:33:18
Filename: 7703.mp4_.jpg
MD5: qmcfyLJ2SCUL9z1sCjFBFg==

https://sushigirl.us/lewd/res/1654.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-24 07:47:38
Filename: 7703.mp4_.jpg
MD5: qmcfyLJ2SCUL9z1sCjFBFg==

https://lulz.net/furi/res/3757196.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-21 15:59:01
Filename: 7703.mp4_.jpg
MD5: qmcfyLJ2SCUL9z1sCjFBFg==

https://mintboard.org/vichan/bone/res/868520.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-21 15:58:20
Filename: 7703.mp4_.jpg
MD5: qmcfyLJ2SCUL9z1sCjFBFg==
** PID-O-MOM L+O>L>K-A>S **

17 omitted, see full list here

I hate myself.

https://hikari3.ch/en/res/6179.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-24 07:28:28
Filename: 20c188944d00af613ea4367ae9fb2654e895c897d3848c01c9c80c2a44c9cb30.png
SHA256: 20c188944d00af613ea4367ae9fb2654e895c897d3848c01c9c80c2a44c9cb30
I hate myself.

https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/220205.html#222334  [details]
Time: 2024-10-23 01:01:56
Filename: 453215234523523.png
SHA256: 20c188944d00af613ea4367ae9fb2654e895c897d3848c01c9c80c2a44c9cb30
I hate myself a lot. Night.

Spammer Illegal_US_Aid_To_Israel.jpg (106.22 KB) - 2024-10-22 19:16:29 [Info]

https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/222289.html#222293  [details]
Time: 2024-10-22 19:16:29
Filename: Illegal_US_Aid_To_Israel.jpg
SHA256: 93721ce84f8c2256e657ec352ca5362bdec844d5312563bc39b553db61c45921

https://zzzchan.xyz/christian/thread/26856.html#26857  [details]
Time: 2024-10-22 19:10:42
Filename: Illegal_US_Aid_To_Israel.jpg
SHA256: 93721ce84f8c2256e657ec352ca5362bdec844d5312563bc39b553db61c45921

https://wizchan.org/wiz/res/219184.html  [details]
Time: 2024-09-09 23:45:34
Filename: The Face You Make.png
MD5: O/RQYNTazIfrBH+mdUvA1A==
SMOLOKO IMAGES.pdf Download 572 MB



This pdf file contains 7252 pages of 7252 Smoloko images, which are ALL of the images from the now defunct Smoloko.com website.

https://wapchan.org/kind/res/2439.html  [details]
Time: 2024-09-09 23:42:32
Filename: The Face You Make.png
SHA256: d6afa9fafa29eff370e113c4b4ce21d4561fbeb787a57a55fa2209daa7cbc712
SMOLOKO IMAGES.pdf Download 572 MB



This pdf file contains 7252 pages of 7252 Smoloko images, which are ALL of the images from the now defunct Smoloko.com website.

https://uboachan.net/ot/res/27052.html  [details]
Time: 2024-09-09 23:38:52
Filename: The Face You Make.png
MD5: O/RQYNTazIfrBH+mdUvA1A==
SMOLOKO IMAGES.pdf Download 572 MB



This pdf file contains 7252 pages of 7252 Smoloko images, which are ALL of the images from the now defunct Smoloko.com website.

https://trashchan.xyz/comfy/thread/10617.html  [details]
Time: 2024-09-09 23:38:10
Filename: The_Face_You_Make.png
SHA256: d6afa9fafa29eff370e113c4b4ce21d4561fbeb787a57a55fa2209daa7cbc712
SMOLOKO IMAGES.pdf Download 572 MB



This pdf file contains 7252 pages of 7252 Smoloko images, which are ALL of the images from the now defunct Smoloko.com website.

https://mintboard.org/vichan/bone/res/851464.html  [details]
Time: 2024-09-09 23:10:11
Filename: The Face You Make.png
MD5: O/RQYNTazIfrBH+mdUvA1A==
SMOLOKO IMAGES.pdf Download 572 MB



This pdf file contains 7252 pages of 7252 Smoloko images, which are ALL of the images from the now defunct Smoloko.com website.

https://cuatrochan.org/b/thread/1327.html  [details]
Time: 2024-09-09 22:48:18
Filename: The_Face_You_Make.png
SHA256: d6afa9fafa29eff370e113c4b4ce21d4561fbeb787a57a55fa2209daa7cbc712
SMOLOKO IMAGES.pdf Download 572 MB



This pdf file contains 7252 pages of 7252 Smoloko images, which are ALL of the images from the now defunct Smoloko.com website.

2 omitted, see full list here

Spammer Näyttökuva 2024-08-17 104749.png (76.46 KB) - 2024-10-21 03:46:49 [Info]

I sprinkle seeds:
This text is related to the group's video that is shown to some teenagers at school. To society and its nature.
The real host of Finland and all other western countries is this …

https://4chon.me/lounge/res/91604.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-21 03:46:49
Filename: Näyttökuva 2024-08-17 104749.png
MD5: 3zCof4RZOstOiCTo3yl1UA==
I sprinkle seeds:
This text is related to the group's video that is shown to some teenagers at school. To society and its nature.
The real host of Finland and all other western countries is this so-called system, usa corporate state fascist empire, which covers everything from these regions: EU, North America, Israel, Australia and New Zealand and Saudi Arabia. Also Asian and African countries as sub-countries. South American countries also belong to the belt
Finland is not an independent democracy. It is part of the empire, colony.. Finland is corporate-state fascism. In Finland, you can vote for globalists, globalists or globalists. Social phenomena and trends are defined by social control programs and decided abroad. Imperialism and psychological warfare. There are also neuroelectromagnetic technologies that are like remote controls for humans. A network has been developed for these devices that is connected to computers and the dark web and society and the people forced into it. Some people are controlled by algorithms in simulations like in the Matrix movie. If this sounds crazy, it has been possible to publicly control a mouse with the help of an implant installed in the brain. Encrypted technology is 60 years more advanced. Society is simulated. Mainstream media is propaganda, i.e. opinion manipulation and influencing the atmosphere of attitudes, the narrative of which is controlled from abroad.
In Finland, people are persecuted for their lives using methods developed by the CIA. They commit suicide. Some people are also killed physically. Group harassing was originally developed in the Soviet Union. At least the deep web I dug up some data from suggtested that. In Finland, people are murdered by suicide. Outcasts with multiple problems. Sometimes their problems are caused by these entities through simulation and forced into things with a neural network and then they are persecuted and killed. They have no right to society. They cause their mental illnesses and drug/alcohol addiction too and force them to live on the street, like in usa and kill them. USA is also under heavy attack on civilians.
Disagreement about running the terrarium itself is not tolerated. You can just do "terrarium stuff". To be red green or Kokkari or any defined unit that works in the overall picture. Society is programmed like multi-segments connected to society's manipulation channels, segments to which you select through your psychological profile. The whole is managed pretty much completely and throughout the necessary amount. Society is a brainwash and a gross exploitation facility.
So they have pretty much taken control of everything and are turning the overall picture in the direction they want as if secretly behind the scenes. Opinions are managed. Public discussion is managed. People are controlled. Even this arrangement in society makes it impossible to hear gravel sounds. There are very few awakened people and they are actively tried to be silenced or even killed. However, this is true and for the most part in the way I presented. In my opinion, this current social model is sick and should be brought into public discussion.
I myself am a victim of mass stalking. More than 100 similar stories have been collected from us people of this fate in Finland and submitted to the UN and the International Criminal Court for Human Rights. However, I personally don't think that any body will do anything about these things. The government does not respect human rights even though it is officially committed to maintaining them.
Seinäjoki's Gestapo murdered Tero Hopevauori and Jani Ritvanen by forcing them to commit suicide. They also murdered a police officer named Petri Kangaskoski by forcing him to shoot himself at the Kokkola police station with his official weapon. They also ruined my "normal life" and apparently kill somehow. The system has killed thousands of Finns.
Completely innocent people.
Gestapo and civil servants also force others to commit sexual acts. They also rape. They embezzle money/property from people/state and threaten and kill.
State traitors. Terrorists of civilians. Prazites.
US action is a senile relic of the post-WWII world. In my view, the West needs to stick to its values. They will, implement and have achieved a partially totalitarian dystopia. The entire society has been ruined from its foundations, and its most important pillars are not respected. There is no need for bread, circus entertainment, propaganda and a force-fed imperialist agenda, little like some social show that is a lie and if these sink in you are just in a blissful dream. If it doesn't sink, maybe you will be persecuted.
The future cannot be American-led. They do not respect western values. Human rights. Laws. Democracy. Divisions of power. Nothing.
The Finnish government will not help the people.
That's why I sprinkle these seeds.
These issues enter the public debate and raise awareness. My strategy once or twice for this post in the comments section of this news pages (praise for that). I can't think of anything else that would get hundreds of thousands of pairs of eyes.
Links to the topic:
A brief presentation of the empire's conquest maneuver by the economic assassin of the USA's hidden empire.
A former mass persecutor who has used nemf technology on the persecutors.
Patent for neurotechnologies
A link in Finnish where the names and personal experiences of the persecuted are collected.
An interview of a KGB agent about the journey towards dystopia that has been going on for generations in Western countries.
Recommended documents:
Self series of the century
I'll map this link section as much as I can.

this is the same everywhere.

https://28chan.org/board/pol/res/1275.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-16 03:00:30

I sprinkle seeds:
This text is related to the group's video that is shown to some teenagers at school. To society and its nature.
The real host of Finland and all other western countries is this so-called system called usa corporate state fascist empire, which covers everything from these regions: EU, North America, Israel, Australia and New Zealand and Saudi Arabia. Also Asian and African countries as sub-countries. South American countries also belong to the belt
Finland is not an independent democracy. It is part of the empire, a sub-country. Finland is corporate-state fascism. In Finland, you can vote for globalists, globalists or globalists. Social phenomena and trends are defined by social control programs or decided abroad. Imperialism and psychological warfare. There are also neuroelectromagnetic technologies that are like remote controls for humans. A network has been developed for these devices that is connected to computers and the dark web and society and the people forced into it. Some people are controlled by algorithms in simulations like in the Matrix movie. If this sounds crazy, it has been possible to publicly control a mouse with the help of an implant installed in the brain. Encrypted technology is 60 years more advanced. Society is simulated. Mainstream media is propaganda, i.e. opinion manipulation and influencing the atmosphere of attitudes, the narrative of which is controlled from abroad.
In Finland, people are persecuted for their lives using methods developed by the CIA. They commit suicide. Some people are also killed physically. Mass persecution was originally developed in the Soviet Union. At least from the deep web I dug up some data. In Finland, people with multiple problems are murdered by suicide. Outcasts with multiple problems. Sometimes their problems are caused by these entities through simulation and forced into things with a neural network and then they are persecuted and killed. They have no right to society.
Disagreement about running the terrarium itself is not tolerated. You can just do "terrarium stuff". To be red green or Kokkari or any defined unit that works in the overall picture. Society is programmed like multi-segments connected to society's manipulation channels, segments to which you select through your psychological profile. The whole is managed pretty much completely and throughout the necessary amount. Society is a brainwash and a gross exploitation facility.
So they have pretty much taken control of everything and are turning the overall picture in the direction they want as if secretly behind the scenes. Opinions are managed. Public discussion is managed. People are controlled. Even this arrangement in society makes it impossible to hear gravel sounds. There are very few awakened people and they are actively tried to be silenced or even killed.
Isn't that pretty cool? However, this is true and for the most part in the way I presented. In my opinion, this current social model is sick and should be brought into public discussion.
I myself am a victim of mass stalking. More than 100 similar stories have been collected from us people of this fate in Finland and submitted to the UN and the International Criminal Court for Human Rights. However, I personally don't think that any body will do anything about these things. The government does not respect human rights even though it is officially committed to maintaining them.
Seinäjoki's Gestapo murdered Tero Hopevauori and Jani Ritvanen by forcing them to commit suicide. They also murdered a police officer named Petri Kangaskoski by forcing him to shoot himself at the Kokkola police station with his official weapon. They also ruined my "normal life" and apparently kill somehow. The system has killed thousands of Finns.
Completely innocent people.
Gestapo and civil servants also force others to commit sexual acts. They also rape. They embezzle money/property from people/state and threaten and kill.
State traitors. Terrorists of civilians. Prazits.
US action is a senile relic of the post-WWII world. In my view, the West needs to stick to its values. They will, implement and have achieved a partially totalitarian dystopia. The entire society has been ruined from its foundations, and its most important pillars are not respected. There is no need for bread, circus entertainment, propaganda and a force-fed imperialist agenda, little like some social show that is a lie and if these sink in you are just in a blissful dream. If it doesn't sink, maybe you will be persecuted.
The future cannot be American-led. They do not respect western values. Human rights. Laws. Democracy. Divisions of power. Nothing.
The Finnish government will not help the people.
That's why I sprinkle these seeds.
These issues enter the public debate and raise awareness. My strategy once or twice for this post in the comments section of this news pages (praise for that). I can't think of anything else that would get hundreds of thousands of pairs of eyes.
Links to the topic:
A brief presentation of the empire's conquest maneuver by the economic assassin of the USA's hidden empire.
A former mass persecutor who has used nemf technology on the persecutors.
Patent for neurotechnologies
A link in Finnish where the names and personal experiences of the persecuted are collected.
An interview of a KGB agent about the journey towards dystopia that has been going on for generations in Western countries.
Recommended documents:
Self series of the century
I'll map this link section as much as I can.

this is the same everywhere.

https://4chon.me/new/res/6729.html  [details]
Time: 2024-09-12 03:59:15
Filename: Näyttökuva 2024-08-17 104749.png
MD5: 3zCof4RZOstOiCTo3yl1UA==
I sprinkle seeds:
This text is related to the group's video that is shown to some teenagers at school. To society and its nature.
The real host of Finland and all other western countries is this so-called system called usa corporate state fascist empire, which covers everything from these regions: EU, North America, Israel, Australia and New Zealand and Saudi Arabia. Also Asian and African countries as sub-countries. South American countries also belong to the belt
Finland is not an independent democracy. It is part of the empire, a sub-country. Finland is corporate-state fascism. In Finland, you can vote for globalists, globalists or globalists. Social phenomena and trends are defined by social control programs or decided abroad. Imperialism and psychological warfare. There are also neuroelectromagnetic technologies that are like remote controls for humans. A network has been developed for these devices that is connected to computers and the dark web and society and the people forced into it. Some people are controlled by algorithms in simulations like in the Matrix movie. If this sounds crazy, it has been possible to publicly control a mouse with the help of an implant installed in the brain. Encrypted technology is 60 years more advanced. Society is simulated. Mainstream media is propaganda, i.e. opinion manipulation and influencing the atmosphere of attitudes, the narrative of which is controlled from abroad.
In Finland, people are persecuted for their lives using methods developed by the CIA. They commit suicide. Some people are also killed physically. Mass persecution was originally developed in the Soviet Union. At least from the deep web I dug up some data. In Finland, people with multiple problems are murdered by suicide. Outcasts with multiple problems. Sometimes their problems are caused by these entities through simulation and forced into things with a neural network and then they are persecuted and killed. They have no right to society.
Disagreement about running the terrarium itself is not tolerated. You can just do "terrarium stuff". To be red green or Kokkari or any defined unit that works in the overall picture. Society is programmed like multi-segments connected to society's manipulation channels, segments to which you select through your psychological profile. The whole is managed pretty much completely and throughout the necessary amount. Society is a brainwash and a gross exploitation facility.
So they have pretty much taken control of everything and are turning the overall picture in the direction they want as if secretly behind the scenes. Opinions are managed. Public discussion is managed. People are controlled. Even this arrangement in society makes it impossible to hear gravel sounds. There are very few awakened people and they are actively tried to be silenced or even killed.
Isn't that pretty cool? However, this is true and for the most part in the way I presented. In my opinion, this current social model is sick and should be brought into public discussion.
I myself am a victim of mass stalking. More than 100 similar stories have been collected from us people of this fate in Finland and submitted to the UN and the International Criminal Court for Human Rights. However, I personally don't think that any body will do anything about these things. The government does not respect human rights even though it is officially committed to maintaining them.
Seinäjoki's Gestapo murdered Tero Hopevauori and Jani Ritvanen by forcing them to commit suicide. They also murdered a police officer named Petri Kangaskoski by forcing him to shoot himself at the Kokkola police station with his official weapon. They also ruined my "normal life" and apparently kill somehow. The system has killed thousands of Finns.
Completely innocent people.
Gestapo and civil servants also force others to commit sexual acts. They also rape. They embezzle money/property from people/state and threaten and kill.
State traitors. Terrorists of civilians. Prazits.
US action is a senile relic of the post-WWII world. In my view, the West needs to stick to its values. They will, implement and have achieved a partially totalitarian dystopia. The entire society has been ruined from its foundations, and its most important pillars are not respected. There is no need for bread, circus entertainment, propaganda and a force-fed imperialist agenda, little like some social show that is a lie and if these sink in you are just in a blissful dream. If it doesn't sink, maybe you will be persecuted.
The future cannot be American-led. They do not respect western values. Human rights. Laws. Democracy. Divisions of power. Nothing.
The Finnish government will not help the people.
That's why I sprinkle these seeds.
These issues enter the public debate and raise awareness. My strategy once or twice for this post in the comments section of this news pages (praise for that). I can't think of anything else that would get hundreds of thousands of pairs of eyes.
Links to the topic:
A brief presentation of the empire's conquest maneuver by the economic assassin of the USA's hidden empire.
A former mass persecutor who has used nemf technology on the persecutors.
Patent for neurotechnologies
A link in Finnish where the names and personal experiences of the persecuted are collected.
An interview of a KGB agent about the journey towards dystopia that has been going on for generations in Western countries.
Recommended documents:
Self series of the century
I'll map this link section as much as I can.

https://28chan.org/board/pol/res/1259.html  [details]
Time: 2024-09-12 03:52:15
Filename: Näyttökuva 2024-08-17 104749.png
MD5: 3zCof4RZOstOiCTo3yl1UA==
I sprinkle seeds:
This text is related to the group's video that is shown to some teenagers at school. To society and its nature.
The real host of Finland and all other western countries is this so-called system called usa corporate state fascist empire, which covers everything from these regions: EU, North America, Israel, Australia and New Zealand and Saudi Arabia. Also Asian and African countries as sub-countries. South American countries also belong to the belt
Finland is not an independent democracy. It is part of the empire, a sub-country. Finland is corporate-state fascism. In Finland, you can vote for globalists, globalists or globalists. Social phenomena and trends are defined by social control programs or decided abroad. Imperialism and psychological warfare. There are also neuroelectromagnetic technologies that are like remote controls for humans. A network has been developed for these devices that is connected to computers and the dark web and society and the people forced into it. Some people are controlled by algorithms in simulations like in the Matrix movie. If this sounds crazy, it has been possible to publicly control a mouse with the help of an implant installed in the brain. Encrypted technology is 60 years more advanced. Society is simulated. Mainstream media is propaganda, i.e. opinion manipulation and influencing the atmosphere of attitudes, the narrative of which is controlled from abroad.
In Finland, people are persecuted for their lives using methods developed by the CIA. They commit suicide. Some people are also killed physically. Mass persecution was originally developed in the Soviet Union. At least from the deep web I dug up some data. In Finland, people with multiple problems are murdered by suicide. Outcasts with multiple problems. Sometimes their problems are caused by these entities through simulation and forced into things with a neural network and then they are persecuted and killed. They have no right to society.
Disagreement about running the terrarium itself is not tolerated. You can just do "terrarium stuff". To be red green or Kokkari or any defined unit that works in the overall picture. Society is programmed like multi-segments connected to society's manipulation channels, segments to which you select through your psychological profile. The whole is managed pretty much completely and throughout the necessary amount. Society is a brainwash and a gross exploitation facility.
So they have pretty much taken control of everything and are turning the overall picture in the direction they want as if secretly behind the scenes. Opinions are managed. Public discussion is managed. People are controlled. Even this arrangement in society makes it impossible to hear gravel sounds. There are very few awakened people and they are actively tried to be silenced or even killed.
Isn't that pretty cool? However, this is true and for the most part in the way I presented. In my opinion, this current social model is sick and should be brought into public discussion.
I myself am a victim of mass stalking. More than 100 similar stories have been collected from us people of this fate in Finland and submitted to the UN and the International Criminal Court for Human Rights. However, I personally don't think that any body will do anything about these things. The government does not respect human rights even though it is officially committed to maintaining them.
Seinäjoki's Gestapo murdered Tero Hopevauori and Jani Ritvanen by forcing them to commit suicide. They also murdered a police officer named Petri Kangaskoski by forcing him to shoot himself at the Kokkola police station with his official weapon. They also ruined my "normal life" and apparently kill somehow. The system has killed thousands of Finns.
Completely innocent people.
Gestapo and civil servants also force others to commit sexual acts. They also rape. They embezzle money/property from people/state and threaten and kill.
State traitors. Terrorists of civilians. Prazits.
US action is a senile relic of the post-WWII world. In my view, the West needs to stick to its values. They will, implement and have achieved a partially totalitarian dystopia. The entire society has been ruined from its foundations, and its most important pillars are not respected. There is no need for bread, circus entertainment, propaganda and a force-fed imperialist agenda, little like some social show that is a lie and if these sink in you are just in a blissful dream. If it doesn't sink, maybe you will be persecuted.
The future cannot be American-led. They do not respect western values. Human rights. Laws. Democracy. Divisions of power. Nothing.
The Finnish government will not help the people.
That's why I sprinkle these seeds.
These issues enter the public debate and raise awareness. My strategy once or twice for this post in the comments section of this news pages (praise for that). I can't think of anything else that would get hundreds of thousands of pairs of eyes.
Links to the topic:
A brief presentation of the empire's conquest maneuver by the economic assassin of the USA's hidden empire.
A former mass persecutor who has used nemf technology on the persecutors.
Patent for neurotechnologies
A link in Finnish where the names and personal experiences of the persecuted are collected.
An interview of a KGB agent about the journey towards dystopia that has been going on for generations in Western countries.
Recommended documents:
Self series of the century
I'll map this link section as much as I can.

Spammer Evolution.png (1.47 MB) - 2024-10-16 18:40:35 [Info]

The Luciferian Doctrine was used as a strategy of manipulation by the NAA Luciferian forces that were irritated at the success of the Black Sun’s control over the masses and the immense power, wealth …

https://lainchan.org/zzz/res/7307.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-16 18:40:35
Filename: Evolution.png
MD5: u6hq0UkzkrCa+hAM9C40dg==
The Luciferian Doctrine was used as a strategy of manipulation by the NAA Luciferian forces that were irritated at the success of the Black Sun’s control over the masses and the immense power, wealth and territory they had accumulated by the Popes campaigns and the Romans backing the Catholic Church. Because of the incredible brutality exhibited by the Black Suns enforcing the Roman Catholic Church’s satanic ideology, some groups went underground to reject the Church and its teachings. Thus, the Luciferian Doctrine was born out of the rejection of the power of the Catholic Church during the murderous times of the Crusades, and purports that Lucifer is a positive helper and bringer of light for an awakened humanity, in pursuit of gaining deeper knowledge of the true spiritual self. The proponents of the Luciferian Doctrine believe that Lucifer is not evil or anti-life, but is the God that desired to educate humankind and save them from the fallen state, so that worthy humans could elevate themselves into true Universal knowledge and enlightenment.

In this doctrine, the bible God Yahweh is considered to be the anti-life principle and is actually the primary evil oppressor of humankind, because he did not want humans to gain this knowledge of the tree of life. As a result of the murderous persecution of all those who disagreed with the Catholic Church, secret societies were formed in order for groups to discuss these theories, along with studying the ancient wisdom collected from the Gnostics and other sacred texts outside of the bible.

https://lainchan.org/zzz/res/7296.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-08 14:56:08
Filename: Evolution.png
MD5: u6hq0UkzkrCa+hAM9C40dg==
The Luciferian Doctrine was used as a strategy of manipulation by the NAA Luciferian forces that were irritated at the success of the Black Sun’s control over the masses and the immense power, wealth and territory they had accumulated by the Popes campaigns and the Romans backing the Catholic Church. Because of the incredible brutality exhibited by the Black Suns enforcing the Roman Catholic Church’s satanic ideology, some groups went underground to reject the Church and its teachings. Thus, the Luciferian Doctrine was born out of the rejection of the power of the Catholic Church during the murderous times of the Crusades, and purports that Lucifer is a positive helper and bringer of light for an awakened humanity, in pursuit of gaining deeper knowledge of the true spiritual self. The proponents of the Luciferian Doctrine believe that Lucifer is not evil or anti-life, but is the God that desired to educate humankind and save them from the fallen state, so that worthy humans could elevate themselves into true Universal knowledge and enlightenment.

In this doctrine, the bible God Yahweh is considered to be the anti-life principle and is actually the primary evil oppressor of humankind, because he did not want humans to gain this knowledge of the tree of life. As a result of the murderous persecution of all those who disagreed with the Catholic Church, secret societies were formed in order for groups to discuss these theories, along with studying the ancient wisdom collected from the Gnostics and other sacred texts outside of the bible.

https://lainchan.org/zzz/res/6583.html  [details]
Time: 2023-12-04 14:23:52
Filename: Kechari-Mudra.jpg
MD5: W2hR6/DpieUYhOX6D+47wQ==
This is another song and dance from the middle council fallen Elohim, the Nibiru Anunnaki, Nephilim, Kurrendara and Dracos.

The hidden agenda is not as bad as the Nephedem and pure Drakonian Black Sun Strains who desire human exploitation to extinction, but it is a sinister agenda none the less.

These guys seek to "befriend" us as our long lost progenitors. They then desire to hybridize with our Diamond Suns to get their missing coding, while mutating the 12-strand potential OUT of our gene pool through code saturation and monadic reversal.

They want to "help us evolve" only into the D-4 frequencies where they can interact with Earth more directly, then "cap" our evolution so we never actualize the 12-strand as this would place us at a higher evolution and greater power than they are. Their agenda is pro-Anunnaki, Dracos and Beli-Kudyem evolution and anti-Adami-Kudmon Turaneusiam original 12-strand evolution. With friends like this we don't need enemies!

The Nibiruian Councils and the Fallen Elohim matrices that are behind a lot of false angelic contacts and who run the "Galactic Federation" con.

Guardian Alliance knows these guys, because whenever the Galactic Federation gets into trouble with the lizard big guns from Drakonian Orion (D-11 avatars and their Nephedem and Drakonian family lines), they come crawling to Guardian Alliance and Emerald Order Melchizedek Councils for protection and to "make deals"

Guardian Alliance will deal with them occasionally and protect them here or there, if they can do something in exchange to assist the pro-all peaceful evolution agendas of the Guardian Alliance.

Guardian Alliance doesn't trust them as far as they can see them because whenever deals are made these guys back out on their end as soon as they got what they wanted (usually localized protection from a Drakonian "hot spot").

https://lainchan.org/zzz/res/6571.html  [details]
Time: 2023-11-30 16:20:59
Filename: Kechari-Mudra.jpg
MD5: W2hR6/DpieUYhOX6D+47wQ==
The Luciferian Doctrine was used as a strategy of manipulation by the NAA Luciferian forces that were irritated at the success of the Black Sun’s control over the masses and the immense power, wealth and territory they had accumulated by the Popes campaigns and the Romans backing the Catholic Church. Because of the incredible brutality exhibited by the Black Suns enforcing the Roman Catholic Church’s satanic ideology, some groups went underground to reject the Church and its teachings. Thus, the Luciferian Doctrine was born out of the rejection of the power of the Catholic Church during the murderous times of the Crusades, and purports that Lucifer is a positive helper and bringer of light for an awakened humanity, in pursuit of gaining deeper knowledge of the true spiritual self. The proponents of the Luciferian Doctrine believe that Lucifer is not evil or anti-life, but is the God that desired to educate humankind and save them from the fallen state, so that worthy humans could elevate themselves into true Universal knowledge and enlightenment.

In this doctrine, the bible God Yahweh is considered to be the anti-life principle and is actually the primary evil oppressor of humankind, because he did not want humans to gain this knowledge of the tree of life. As a result of the murderous persecution of all those who disagreed with the Catholic Church, secret societies were formed in order for groups to discuss these theories, along with studying the ancient wisdom collected from the Gnostics and other sacred texts outside of the bible.

https://erischan.org/b/res/12574.html  [details]
Time: 2023-11-29 17:49:30
Filename: Kechari-Mudra.jpg
MD5: W2hR6/DpieUYhOX6D+47wQ==
The Luciferian Doctrine was used as a strategy of manipulation by the NAA Luciferian forces that were irritated at the success of the Black Sun’s control over the masses and the immense power, wealth and territory they had accumulated by the Popes campaigns and the Romans backing the Catholic Church. Because of the incredible brutality exhibited by the Black Suns enforcing the Roman Catholic Church’s satanic ideology, some groups went underground to reject the Church and its teachings. Thus, the Luciferian Doctrine was born out of the rejection of the power of the Catholic Church during the murderous times of the Crusades, and purports that Lucifer is a positive helper and bringer of light for an awakened humanity, in pursuit of gaining deeper knowledge of the true spiritual self. The proponents of the Luciferian Doctrine believe that Lucifer is not evil or anti-life, but is the God that desired to educate humankind and save them from the fallen state, so that worthy humans could elevate themselves into true Universal knowledge and enlightenment.

In this doctrine, the bible God Yahweh is considered to be the anti-life principle and is actually the primary evil oppressor of humankind, because he did not want humans to gain this knowledge of the tree of life. As a result of the murderous persecution of all those who disagreed with the Catholic Church, secret societies were formed in order for groups to discuss these theories, along with studying the ancient wisdom collected from the Gnostics and other sacred texts outside of the bible.

https://lainchan.org/r/res/36694.html  [details]
Time: 2023-06-26 20:40:58
Filename: Kechari-Mudra.jpg
MD5: W2hR6/DpieUYhOX6D+47wQ==
I decree in name of my Soul that is my Will Manifest the Decapitation of Every Annuna and Annunka being.I Expand this will in all time flows.

https://lainchan.org/r/res/36628.html  [details]
Time: 2023-06-22 18:48:57
Filename: Kechari-Mudra.jpg
MD5: W2hR6/DpieUYhOX6D+47wQ==
Decreto en nombre de mi Alma que es mi
Voluntad Manifestar la Decapitacion de
toda la Elite.Expando esto en todo flujo de tiempo.

https://lainchan.org/r/res/36500.html  [details]
Time: 2023-06-13 20:02:34
Filename: Kechari-Mudra.jpg
MD5: W2hR6/DpieUYhOX6D+47wQ==
All vices of Flesh,all lower urges,are
demonic.Only Khechari Mudra,and Third Eye and Crown,are Superior.Decapitate Evil,decapitate all animals-men,kill all the cattle.

3 omitted, see full list here

Spammer uoo9oyj.jpg (463.98 KB) - 2024-10-16 11:05:15 [Info]

nua porn c-p leanaí 2024. 4-13 bliana.





https://lulz.net/furi/res/3756581.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-16 11:05:15
Filename: uoo9oyj.jpg
MD5: ZMB1ALe02AMgZ0nZ/i9W5Q==
nua porn c-p leanaí 2024. 4-13 bliana.





https://lulz.net/furi/res/3756498.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-15 20:51:48
Filename: uoo9oyj.jpg
MD5: hvxx7p5CbNRLonlwAzAjPQ==
new porn c-p children 2024. 4-13 years.

preview files:


list of files:


https://28chan.org/board/b/res/11298.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-15 20:47:18
Filename: uoo9oyj.jpg
MD5: hvxx7p5CbNRLonlwAzAjPQ==
nua porn c-p leanaí 2024. 4-13 bliana.





https://lainchan.org/zzz/res/7306.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-15 20:42:27
Filename: uoo9oyj.jpg
MD5: hvxx7p5CbNRLonlwAzAjPQ==
neuer Porno Kinder 2024. 4-13 Jahre.



Liste der Dateien:


https://hikari3.ch/en/res/6083.html  [details]
Time: 2024-09-30 23:22:49
Filename: 1722763362297.jpg
SHA256: 76c76c5f9850fd291bfbcc230cc3678f44b9c06a7c06d913a2988c0993759000
pedo cp files 2024.

forced to lick a dog's ass.

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updated preview:


site with links:


https://lulz.net/furi/res/3754945.html  [details]
Time: 2024-09-30 23:20:20
Filename: 1722763362297.jpg
MD5: rteM6LR8VXvpRBujI/K3Rg==
pedo cp files 2024.

forced to lick a dog's ass.

real lolita rapes.

updated preview:


site with links:


https://lulz.net/furi/res/3754847.html  [details]
Time: 2024-09-29 10:19:36
Filename: 1714933275702.jpg
MD5: VowXn342Ro6zfHvBxM4Kcg==
neue Pornos für Kinder 2024. 4-13 Jahre.



Liste der Dateien:


https://lulz.net/furi/res/3754832.html  [details]
Time: 2024-09-29 01:19:37
Filename: 17275465662788.jpg
MD5: 0zRCN4sAV0c5WRpRitZkwQ==
neue Pornos für Kinder 2024. 4-13 Jahre.



Liste der Dateien:


2562 omitted, see full list here

https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/220104.html#220112  [details]
Time: 2024-10-04 23:11:59
Filename: 0a1bddef439cb9563c830e269fc900a7cfd8d2a99320280c170f1453dc860983.jpg
SHA256: 0a1bddef439cb9563c830e269fc900a7cfd8d2a99320280c170f1453dc860983

https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/219518.html#219519  [details]
Time: 2024-09-30 00:37:26
Filename: 0a1bddef439cb9563c830e269fc900a7cfd8d2a99320280c170f1453dc860983.jpg
SHA256: 0a1bddef439cb9563c830e269fc900a7cfd8d2a99320280c170f1453dc860983
blah blah blah blah

https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/215603.html#215604  [details]
Time: 2024-08-29 22:22:14
Filename: 0a1bddef439cb9563c830e269fc900a7cfd8d2a99320280c170f1453dc860983.jpg
SHA256: 0a1bddef439cb9563c830e269fc900a7cfd8d2a99320280c170f1453dc860983

https://tubgurl.com/ashleyj/thread/23760.html#28419  [details]
Time: 2024-08-08 13:05:09
Filename: 0a1bddef439cb9563c830e269fc900a7cfd8d2a99320280c170f1453dc860983.jpg
SHA256: 0a1bddef439cb9563c830e269fc900a7cfd8d2a99320280c170f1453dc860983

Spammer 1727923962784.jpg (113.00 KB) - 2024-10-03 14:54:29 [Info]

neuer Porno Kinder 2024. 4-13 Jahre.



Liste der Dateien:


https://lulz.net/furi/res/3755175.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-03 14:54:29
Filename: 1727923962784.jpg
MD5: UfO1Rx1lOvTJ+OD/q0YjyQ==
neuer Porno Kinder 2024. 4-13 Jahre.



Liste der Dateien:


https://lainchan.org/zzz/res/7293.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-03 14:52:04
Filename: 1727923962784.jpg
MD5: UfO1Rx1lOvTJ+OD/q0YjyQ==
neuer Porno Kinder 2024. 4-13 Jahre.



Liste der Dateien:


Spammer 17112164642123.jpg (445.09 KB) - 2024-10-03 12:36:54 [Info]

a lot of sex with little girls from 5 to 13 years old.

1 file to view


full list of little girls in explicit videos


https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/152533.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-03 12:36:54
Filename: 17112164642123.jpg
MD5: TF5ZK+FkeA25qnX+1Ll8tw==
a lot of sex with little girls from 5 to 13 years old.

1 file to view


full list of little girls in explicit videos


https://lulz.net/furi/res/3755170.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-03 12:30:51
Filename: 17112164642123.jpg
MD5: TF5ZK+FkeA25qnX+1Ll8tw==
a lot of sex with little girls from 5 to 13 years old

1 file to view


full list of little girls in explicit videos


https://cuatrochan.org/b/thread/1343.html#1345  [details]
Time: 2024-10-03 12:00:45
Filename: 171454345652903053.jpg
SHA256: f21c8fcf305ca32f7e9fb1e49edeff711516808f7e6eb6ea07666b4806f2c4c0
a lot of sex with little girls from 5 to 13 years old.

1 file to view


full list of little girls in explicit videos


https://cuatrochan.org/b/thread/1343.html#1344  [details]
Time: 2024-10-03 11:59:28
Filename: 1733461582.jpg
SHA256: a9fc5bf0bbcf63406809dea68c03d4046c54a77d37139a66e8b3aeaff5e32f0a
a lot of sex with little girls from 5 to 13 years old

1 file to view


full list of little girls in explicit videos


https://cuatrochan.org/b/thread/1343.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-03 11:57:23
Filename: 17112164642123.jpg
SHA256: 555be60ac858bcc4916e5335b2d83fce70776d3acdc1620405b12349bb9df3c7
a lot of sex with little girls from 5 to 13 years old

1 file to view


full list of little girls in explicit videos


https://trashchan.xyz/comfy/thread/10597.html  [details]
Time: 2024-09-04 11:44:43

a lot of sex with little girls from 5 to 13 years old

1 file to view


full list of little girls in explicit videos


https://prolikewoah.com/animu/res/107219.html  [details]
Time: 2024-09-04 11:44:31
Filename: 87K878.jpeg
SHA256: d089fba03751d34ecbab4e45dceb9f833e5614cecf175ee989106cd5a2645afb
a lot of sex with little girls from 5 to 13 years old

1 file to view


full list of little girls in explicit videos


https://nhnb.org/fim/res/17997.html  [details]
Time: 2024-09-04 11:39:23
Filename: 87K878.jpeg
SHA256: d089fba03751d34ecbab4e45dceb9f833e5614cecf175ee989106cd5a2645afb
a lot of sex with little girls from 5 to 13 years old

1 file to view


full list of little girls in explicit videos


1 omitted, see full list here

Spammer 172675656393665.jpg (566.38 KB) - 2024-10-02 17:04:32 [Info]

a lot of sex with little girls from 5 to 13 years old

1 file to view


full list of little girls in explicit videos


https://hikari3.ch/en/res/6095.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-02 17:04:32
Filename: 172675656393665.jpg
SHA256: a63efd3dbf68d7d5e1132faf48f3422baaf1cb06e997a7e52775f1848f1b70e6
a lot of sex with little girls from 5 to 13 years old

1 file to view


full list of little girls in explicit videos


https://tvch.moe/dup/res/148948.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-02 12:00:27
Filename: 17267656393665.jpg
MD5: ALSfnPBPSW3oGqb0G84lcg==
a lot of sex with little girls from 5 to 13 years old

1 file to view


full list of little girls in explicit videos


Spammer 1726766393665.jpg (537.77 KB) - 2024-10-01 23:36:08 [Info]

viel Sex mit kleinen Mädchen im Alter von 5 bis 13 Jahren.

1 Datei zum Ansehen


Vollständige Liste kleiner Mädchen in expliziten Videos


https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/152420.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-01 23:36:08
Filename: 1726766393665.jpg
viel Sex mit kleinen Mädchen im Alter von 5 bis 13 Jahren.

1 Datei zum Ansehen


Vollständige Liste kleiner Mädchen in expliziten Videos


https://prolikewoah.com/animu/res/107896.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-01 23:35:54
Filename: 1726766393665.jpg
SHA256: f022c18e85f53343e14af0ea31e19de9d052cce601355d571afde28329b3076c
viel Sex mit kleinen Mädchen im Alter von 5 bis 13 Jahren.

1 Datei zum Ansehen


Vollständige Liste kleiner Mädchen in expliziten Videos


https://lulz.net/furi/res/3754992.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-01 18:29:13
Filename: 1714652903053.jpg
MD5: QAICu2b7KtzAvQEK+ejh2w==
a lot of sex with little girls from 5 to 13 years old

1 file to view


full list of little girls in explicit videos


https://lainchan.org/zzz/res/7292.html  [details]
Time: 2024-10-01 18:24:46
Filename: 1714652903053.jpg
MD5: QAICu2b7KtzAvQEK+ejh2w==
viel Sex mit kleinen Mädchen im Alter von 5 bis 13 Jahren.

1 Datei zum Ansehen


Vollständige Liste kleiner Mädchen in expliziten Videos
